Mama's Korean Potato Barchan Gamja Jorim

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50 replies
  1. showercurtainyo
    showercurtainyo says:

    I tried this with coconut aminos instead of soy sauce adding salt and black garlic. So good. I added too much maple syrup I think so it’s a little too sweet, but next time I will use less for sure. I lost the crispyness though from pre-frying. Need to try again

  2. Kanjana J.
    Kanjana J. says:

    My English is not that good.. Do I understand it right, that you wash the potatoes and them fry them all in a pot/ pan without cooking it in water before? I am searching for the recipe as I looove this side dish I get them to my main dish in restaurants 😍😍😍


    Flashback to the run bts ep when suga was holding the the plate upside down ways but then also it didn't fell from the plate… It sticked to the plate 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  4. Vinxk?
    Vinxk? says:

    Tomorrow im gonna make tteokbokki, because I have the ingredients, but I don’t have ingredients for usual sidedishes that go with tteokbokki, so I decided to make gamja jorim!!

  5. Debadoo B
    Debadoo B says:

    I'm not Asian but I'm Southern, and we all cook a dab of this a bit of that, a mess of those. When my son was younger I had injured my back and he wanted spaghetti so I told him I would talk him through it if he wanted to make it. He still teases me to this day and he's 35 now about how he had asked how much of something to put in and I said oh a decent amount. He brought all the measuring cups over and said none of these say decent on them LOL I've never seen taters that tiny but I suppose you could cut larger winds up to that size. This looks so good my mouth was watering and I hadn't even clicked on the link to see the ingredients yet. And some of those bottles I didn't know what was in them, just The soy sauce and the maple syrup. Your mama is so cute oh, she is just adorable and I love her big old smile


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