Mama’s 10-Minute Hot Water Cornbread (RECIPE) | Phil Robertson

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Think fried cornbread is bad for you? Phil Robertson says his mother cooked this southern classic her entire life, and it finally got …

49 replies
  1. Caroline Kinney
    Caroline Kinney says:

    I love that they love Jesus and aren’t afraid to say so! You can have all the money in the world and not have Jesus as your Savior and you have absolutely nothing!
    And the corn bread gets an A plus ! You don’t see people praying over their food anymore. I do and people look at you like you are crazy. I’m proud to be crazy for Jesus!

  2. Tim Woodger
    Tim Woodger says:

    He sure is right about them old timers living to be old.
    They drank and smoked cooked food in grease but the one thing they didn’t have was highly processed foods with all kinds of dodgy chemicals in it!!!
    Take note people’s them old timers had it right.

  3. Suzanne Benz
    Suzanne Benz says:

    Please…could someone teach this man the value of being well-groomed!!!! He desperately needs a haircut, shampoo and a good shave!!!! As he works around food, that dirt, slop and hairs will drop into his food!!!!

  4. 18 Rabbit
    18 Rabbit says:

    Looks delicious! I'll be over there next time you make it I'd add a little hot peppers to them. I like things a little spicy. Enjoy your videos very down to earth. Thank you😊

  5. Brenda Lee
    Brenda Lee says:

    I do fry it that way but not with boiled water or peanut oil,I'm going to try it with the boiled water,cause that is the best darn eating it's better than frjtos😊😊


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