Mama Kim’s VIRAL Kimchi recipe | step by step w/ measurements | make your own (fresh & tasty) kimchi

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If you’re wondering what fresh kimchi tastes like instead of store bought, this video should be pretty helpful for you! Mama & I …

20 replies
  1. Roses
    Roses says:

    Here's the written recipe for anyone who wants it:

    Mama Kim’s Kimchi Recipe(1 cabbage small batch):


    • 1 Good Cabbage(about the size/length of a head, try to find one with leaves that aren’t too thick)

    • Coarse salt

    • 1 medium sized potato(about the size of a hand)

    • 1 medium sized onion

    • 1/3 cup of whole garlic

    • 1 thumb sized knob of peeled ginger

    • 3 spring onions

    • 1 small to medium sized daikon radish(depending on how much you want)

    • ½ cup fish sauce

    • ½ cup tuna sauce

    • 1 tbs Salted shrimp

    • 1/2 cup Gochugaru (more to taste)

    • 1 ½ tbs fish sauce


    1. Cut off the base of the cabbage. Slice vertically down the middle of leaf, then into desired size

    2. Rinse the cabbage leaves

    3. Put into large metal bowl and generously add salt

    4. Mix Salt and cabbage together

    5. After 1 hour, move the leaves from the top to the bottom then rest for an additional hour

    6. Rinse cabbage leaves twice then drain for 30-60 minutes

    7. Peel potato, cut in half and steam in pressure cooker for 3 minutes

    8. Once tender mash the potato

    9. Slice the onion(it will be blended)

    10. Slice the green onion vertically then into 1/8ths

    11. Peel the radish and slice into preferred size

    12. Blend onion, ginger, and garlic with fish sauce and tuna sauce

    13. Mix blended vegetables with chili powder, and salted shrimp

    14. Add fish sauce and mashed potato

    15. Mix in the cabbage

    16. Taste to see if it needs anything

    17. Mix in radish and green onion

    18. Transfer into container/jar and press down so its compact.

    19. Seal the container

    20. If you want to eat it not fermented then store in fridge

    21. If you want it fermented, place cabbage protector leaves on top and leave out for 24 hours(longer depending on how sour you want it, no more than 10 days) then store in fridge

  2. Larissa Harvatine
    Larissa Harvatine says:

    One question, the salt used in the nappa cabbage leaves is to add seasoning, to shrink or both? I ask this because I'm afraid of salting the leaves too much since the sauce contains ingredients that already have salt added.


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