Making PEPPERMINT COCOA CP Goat Milk Soap + Epic Color Morph | Ellen Ruth Soap

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Peppermint Cocoa = Yum! This soap had the most Epic Color Morph I’ve ever seen, but it was so worth it! I’m using the little Peppermint Twists I made from the …

34 replies
  1. Heather H
    Heather H says:

    This turned out wonderfully. I actually liked the green. I think if someone were going for a rustic jewel tones Christmas colored theme, it would look great with a deep burgundy and a cream color hanger swirl.

    Question for you. (I'm so sorry I ask so many questions. :'( ) When do you put your Christmas soaps out? I'm new-ish so I'm trying to sort out how to plan these kind of holidays. Not that I'll ever sell but for family and friends, is it better to give them soaps at Thanksgiving or wait until Christmas, knowing that Christmas will be over as soon as midnight strikes on Christmas day?

  2. Cheryl
    Cheryl says:

    What a wonderful combo, Hot Cocoa & Peppermint! Reminds me of when we were little and we would get those short straight thick little Peppermint sticks to put in our hot cocoa made with Hershey's cocoa powder. What a good idea to put in one soap! Love those peppermint curls. They make the soap so festive. Cheers&Blessings 💕👍

  3. Amber Knight
    Amber Knight says:

    I'm always in awww when I watch a soap maker mix fragrance and colors and bam color morph, will stay that way? Will it change back? 🤔 this was a fun video and the soaps turned out great as always!

  4. Litenen
    Litenen says:

    I just have to say I appreciate your videos so much! I always watch soap videos when I give my baby his bottles and we cuddle after and he really like them. Yours have been my go to lately, binge watching them 😁

  5. Rona Awalt
    Rona Awalt says:

    Cute soap! I love peppermint hot cocoa, it's my favorite. Those peppermint curls really added some color to the chocolate brown. Time intensive i'm sure, but worth the effort!

  6. Tassie Girl
    Tassie Girl says:

    Love you that’s hideous, that’s a baby diaper colour….just got me giggling more when you spooned the last on top…..glad it was smelling great
    Love the peppermint twists what a good idea even if fiddle. Oh it did turn back quickly to chocolate I wasn’t expecting that and so quick… relief it’s a yummy soap.

  7. clivia ibanez
    clivia ibanez says:

    Love those curls, no ware , great idea!! Question Ellen that mica always turns my soap black, what was your color after cure? If you don’t mind. Had to change the name on one of my soap to bumblebee just because of that mica, same supplier

  8. One Acre
    One Acre says:

    Cocoa powder makes a nice brown 😊. I only use natural colorants so I know nothing of micas…except that I’d probably spend a fortune buying them because there’s so many pretty options! Best to have my limited choice lol.


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