Making it Cheaper by Making it Homemade! | Saving Money on Groceries

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Hey friends! There are some things at the grocery store that I love, but are just too expensive lately! Luckily, I can save money and …

37 replies
  1. Rosemary Cornwall
    Rosemary Cornwall says:

    Another huge Lisa fan here (from the UK). I love the way you intuitively cook. Those dinners all looked delicious. I'm going to try the Garlic, parm chicken as soon as I can. Very best wishes, Rose x

  2. O Soniye
    O Soniye says:

    I have in the past bought Brunswick stew from one of the local churches. It's for a good cause, but this year they are charging $7-8. I made a vegan version for less money, with a can of jackfruit for the "meat". It is way lower in fat and it made at least 2 1/2 quarts. It's delicious. My new fall favorite!

  3. SeeEmilyPlay
    SeeEmilyPlay says:

    I lived abroad for years, so had to learn how to make packaged items from scratch if I wanted a test of home. Never thought of doing homemade shake and bake, am definitely going to start. Thank you and keep those videos coming!

  4. Nancy Culp
    Nancy Culp says:

    When we buy snacks like chips or pretzels that have seasoning on them I save the crumbs to make different seasoned bread crumbs for Mac and cheese, roasted broccoli, etc. I make everything from scratch and throw nothing away.

  5. Nancy Culp
    Nancy Culp says:

    You can save the leftover bread crumbs that you dredged your chicken in. Place in a plastic bag and keep it in your freezer labeled that it has been used. I take center cut pork chops that I breakdown from a pork loin( from Sam’s). Place the chops in a greased baking dish. Coat the top of the chops with Dijon mustard sprinkle them with Copy Cat Good Seasons Italian dressing mix, then sprinkle them with breadcrumbs that have also been seasoned with GSIDM, and grated Parmesan cheese. Bake in 350 degree oven until done. If tops are not brown enough you can place under broiler for a few seconds or start off cooking chops at higher temp. I call these my Italian Pork Chops. Serve with twice baked potatoes and an Italian Salad…using your homemade Good Seasons Dressing mix. Serve with some garlic knots made from a cheap can of biscuits or make some homemade cheddar bay biscuits. I serve pasta with this at times too. Lemon Orzo would be nice with this too. You could take any leftover of the bread crumbs place in a baggie large enough to shake and make your own homemade fish sticks! I do this and my son will not eat regular frozen anymore! Lol. You can just get cod fillets and drizzle them with olive oil and sprinkle it on top to make scrod…just add a little lemon zest to brighten it up…serve with some homemade tarter sauce… it is so good.

  6. ꧁Southerngal꧂
    ꧁Southerngal꧂ says:

    Don't throw those onion bottoms with the roots on away. Stick them in some dirt and no more buying those onions. In fact, any veggie you use with a root system can be used for a small garden. Also, keep the cut off parts of other veggies and boil for vegetable broth. Some ppl don't know this so this might help.

  7. Rebecca Hales
    Rebecca Hales says:

    Fantastic video! So so important to look at how you can make it from scratch for cheaper and usually so much better for you!! We're about to move and my goal in the new house is to get into canning and preserving in season foods to save all year round!

  8. Jennifer Lisow
    Jennifer Lisow says:

    Hi Lisa! Not sure if you are aware, but you can keep the rind of the parmesan cheese & use it for soups & sauces. Youtuber See Mindy Mom freezes hers & puts them in her soups & then fishes them out & discards them after the meal is done cooking. Another great way to minimize food waste & enhance flavor of meals. Thanks for another great video.

  9. Sheryl Dye
    Sheryl Dye says:

    The one thing I make now is taco seasonings mix, and mine tastes better than store bought. I also make my own barbecue sauce. Never tasted any better. When we run low my hubby tells me to make more.

  10. PalermoVmusic
    PalermoVmusic says:

    Hey Lisa! I love your videos. My brother and I just bought a house together so I have been looking back on some of your videos for help. I wonder if you might do a Q&A video sometime. I was wondering how you go about getting markdown items from your stores. (Perhaps this question deserves its own video). Thank you again for all you do.

  11. Geraldine Lucas
    Geraldine Lucas says:

    Love spicy food so when I use red pepper flakes I roll them between my hands to wake them up. LOL Many people have your rice cooker might be nice to have a video on all the things you do with it except for the rice it was intended for.


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