Making Homemade Air Fryer Potato Chips in the Rotisserie Basket of My Instant Vortex Plus 7-in-1!

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As someone with a salty tooth and plastic guilt, I’ve been on a mission to figure out how to make delicious, savory snacks for …

7 replies
  1. Totally Forkable
    Totally Forkable says:

    Since finishing this video, I have looked up other air fryer potato chip videos, and it’s so interesting how everyone seems to have a different method! If you’ve had any luck with air fryer chips, what was your method?

  2. tamcon72
    tamcon72 says:

    I don't have one of these air fryers, but I found your process fascinating. This is why there are so many brands of potato chips. SO MANY BRANDS. : ) Hope future attempts perfect the process, and ThanksForPosting!

  3. Dan Bifano
    Dan Bifano says:

    Weird YouTube adds…creepy hipster California bacon-boi food critic blathering on for over 2 minutes, is what I’m currently watching awaiting your video. The dude had a bacon beard for a quick comedic cut. Bacon culture is soooooo cringe 💯


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