Making & Canning Onion Stock with Forjars Canning Lids

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Onion stock is a great way to use scraps and onions on the verge of being bad. Useful for so many things. ✳️Find the recipe …

23 replies
  1. Deborah Durden
    Deborah Durden says:

    I just made this. WOW!! Thank you for this idea. Jars on the counter now. BUT, I processed them for 30 minutes, not 15. Both the Bernardin website and the Ball Canning Book say 30 minutes for pint of vegetable stock and 35 minutes for quarts. AND, I did taste an onion after it was done. No taste. They are going into compost.

  2. Lochan Acres
    Lochan Acres says:

    I bought a case of BALL jars with lids. There were 4 jars that had manufacturer defect cracks / chips.
    3 jars had bad (chipped) lids. So out of twelve jar I had 5 jars that were usable.
    Maybe BALL should just go out of business and leave it up to the new professionals.
    I hope she fixed that lid, I hope she fixed that lid. OH good she fixed the lid.

  3. Victor's Farming Adventures
    Victor's Farming Adventures says:

    I must have said something You/tube didn't like … fuk em … I went to Forjars Canada and saw at least 10 pages of 5 star plus…. NO ONE HAS THAT MUCH >>>EVER … No one complained ?!?!?!?!?! doubtful with this many candy asses around … You I trust ,… within reason … I bought from Amazon … no issues nor any problems … ( unless I did something wrong … which happens sometimes 😉 Pretty please be well 🙂

  4. 710LENNY
    710LENNY says:

    I have a batch on now, and plan on getting some more onions tomorrow. (Giant Tiger has them on sale 2 lbs for 97cents). The next batch I think I want to try with some thyme and bay leaf. I have a gas stove, and because of timing and my available space I do simmer broths and stock overnight, but I will either use the Instantpot and use the keep warm setting or put the stuff in the oven. I can get several covered pots in my oven and I feel safe with the temp at 215F overnight. My oven shuts off after 7 hours anyway. And personally, I love waking up the smell of a rich soup in the kitchen.

    ALDO CAT says:

    I enjoyed this video, thanks for inspiration. I wonder if cooking onions overnight in my slow cooker would work. I like to place my slow cooker on my screened porch when cooking foods with very strong aroma.

  6. Lisa Woods
    Lisa Woods says:

    Holy Cow! What an AMAZING idea!! I've had onion ends in my freezer for a while now, but not enough of the other veggies for "Veggie Stock" I never even thought of doing just plain onion stock! So now, I've got my instant pot going with onion ends in it. set for 4 hrs. lol. . I had enough ends to do a whole full pot! (two gallon bags full) Thank you Miss Leissa for the amazing idea! 🙂

  7. Goldie Leyva
    Goldie Leyva says:

    If I put this on the stove at 5 AM, how long would it take for it to be ready? do I hard boil it or just simmer? I can't believe the amount of onions I have wasted because I forget about the to lol 🙂

  8. cookiemama4
    cookiemama4 says:

    I canned some onions, and also canned the broth from when I cooked the onions before canning.. I figured I'll use it wherever I would normally add water, like stew.
    My mom asked me why I would can "onion water"! Mom! 🤦‍♀️

  9. Terry White
    Terry White says:

    Since vegetable stock is 30 minutes for pints and 35 minutes for quarts, and onion stock is a vegetable stock wouldn't you want to process the pints for 30 minutes, not 15 minutes like you stated?

  10. Molly Smith
    Molly Smith says:

    Aw, now see I can't just cut up a beautiful whole onion for stock. But I can definitely save the clean dried onion skins, root ends, and bits left after chopping delicious aromatic onions for stock. Usually I wait to use them when I've also got freezer baggies full of leftover chicken bones so they can be shared between multiple batches in my 6 qt Instant Pot. I love the inspiration from Michelle, your friend AllSorts, many years ago and how she got multiple batches of broth. Your broth came out so incredibly rich looking! I definitely have to get another batch going soon. I love, love the gorgeous wooden racks you've been using under your canning jars.


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