Making Annie's Style Soft Pretzels Is Easier Than You Think (BONUS cheese sauce recipe)

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Today we make something near and dear to my heart, these wonderfully soft & chewy home made Pretzels! They’re soft, but chewy and also a little bit crunchy.

23 replies
  1. One Hot Bite
    One Hot Bite says:

    Love your new cartoon logo Graham! Chewy pretzels are the best and you have all the best tips! Rollin rollin rollin to a classic shape, didn’t know the history on that…very cool! The salt is the best. These are so fun and LIVE the cheese sauce, I love mustard too on mine. Have a great week!

  2. Dad's Dishes
    Dad's Dishes says:

    excellent addition with the "it's alive" audio clip, but I would suggest just a bit of a pause in your own voiceover so you can hear the other sound clip. I had to really concentrate to hear what was going on with both sounds happening simultaneously. BTW you know what I said when someone tried to take my dipping sauce? I said "hey, that's NA-CHO cheese!" PS like the new avatar.

  3. Flour, Eggs and Yeast
    Flour, Eggs and Yeast says:

    I found the baking soda bath the most interesting. Cam makes us pretzels each year but I honestly don’t pay much attention so I don’t know if he does that or not LOL. Wait…cheese slices?!?!? Clever Graham.

  4. 999 Things To Cook
    999 Things To Cook says:

    Hell yeah buddy! Assault them things!! Almost did me in w the "don't really knead it" but I was smart this time and had the epi-pen on stand by LOL I'm catching on. I've never made pretzels before and those look fantastic! My girl was waiting for a b-roll shot of you ripping one apart at the end. She'll survive hopefully. Nice Job!

  5. Mrs. Sonia Elaine
    Mrs. Sonia Elaine says:

    I love pretzels !!! My daughter and I always bake more here in the fall and winter( rainy season here), so I’m definitely putting this on our list of things we want to try. Loved the history lesson, crossed arms of praying children, now I’ll always remember that. Thanks for giving us so many tips on this video. I love the dip you made to go with them. Never thought about using cheese slices. Pretzels look so yummy.


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