Making a 5 Course Holiday Meal with Everyday Ingredients

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Today I’m challenging myself to make a 5-Course Holiday meal that is budget-friendly, made in only a couple hours, and that uses …

15 replies
  1. Amanda Youngs
    Amanda Youngs says:

    You are inspired, Maddie, that is an amazing menu – and crucially, not hideously expensive with lots of different flavours and quite quick, for a feast meal. Great job! I'm saving this video and will come back to it next time I have someone coming for Christmas!

  2. kiwifeijoa
    kiwifeijoa says:

    Looks delicious and generous, just right for celebrating. Nice one. The attractive arrangement of the table makes a difference doesn't it, even if it's using what you have on hand. This must earn a top planet-saving mention too. Merries!


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