Make this kit before it's too late! 72 Hour Survival Kit Dollar Tree Challenge!

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disasterpreparedness #emergencypreparedness #shtf Make this kit before it’s too late! 72 Hour Survival Kit Dollar Tree Challenge …

46 replies
  1. @perfesser944
    @perfesser944 says:

    I would pick sachets of food (e.g. tuna) over canned. Same quality, same thing, but you will not be dragging a can, which is trash anyway. Also, you could put however much coffee you think you will use over those 72 hrs in a ziplock bag and ditch the rest. I know that you wanted to go Dollar Tree all the way, but a GOOD knife is a must.

  2. @jessiceeoriginal
    @jessiceeoriginal says:

    Fyi: gallon water can be cheaper in a regular grocery store if you buy the store brand. And you can reuse the cans of soup by using them as candle holders. Just punch some holes on the sides to let some light out and place a candle in the middle. Not really kid or pet friendly so be careful. For cooking, you can also use a muffin pan, tea candles and a cooling rack. $1tree's working light gives off lots of light. The little silver light that you push to turn on, is ok. I place both in areas where I can turn on in the house when the power goes out. Works great for emergencies.

  3. @RCH369
    @RCH369 says:

    I think I would add feminine hygiene products, pens, paper, permanent marker, and blankets. But this was a good example for putting together an emergency kit. I could go back through and count everything to figure up the cost, but would you tell us how much everyone cost insured please?

  4. @allthings7301
    @allthings7301 says:

    I’m 28 years old with 3 kids I can’t remember a day in my life since I was 15 that I didn’t have a kit ready to grab and go so glad to know that others are prepared as well

  5. @JonTanOsb
    @JonTanOsb says:

    Petroleum jelly has more uses than a fire starter. Use it on bruises to clear them up faster; use instead of lip balm and skin softener. It's also good for hemorrhoids, if you don't have Preparation-H about. It's good for cracked feet and rough elbows and also for preventing diaper rash.
    You can also heat food up with tea light candles. Put your cooking setup in the kitchen sink, if you need to keep it away from kids or pets.
    Don't store your head-light or flashlights, long term, with the batteries inside, as they will corrode.
    Jon in rural BC, Canada


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