Make Amazing Beef Jerky | No Dehydrator No Sugar

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Beef jerky in the oven. EASY! Best way to make beef jerky keto, paleo, high protein. No Sugar. We are using what’s called hanger steak, skirt steak, iron, brisket…

18 replies
  1. Nolan Porter
    Nolan Porter says:

    Theres never any food in this house. And if I buy any its guaranteed to be eaten by my fam in about 2 days. I'm making this out of bear meat. My family thinks bear meat is disgusting and gross. Check mate

  2. Sherry
    Sherry says:

    Great recipe…and for the ones on here that are saying give a shout out to another Chef there are a few differences in this recipe as he doesn't use Honey and the other guy does. Plus he uses Amino not Soy Sauce. It's Keto…Also, keep in mind this is a basic recipe a lot of people use. soooooo yeah. Thanks for this! I did it with London Broil and it turned out perfect!

  3. Yonatan Wondabeku
    Yonatan Wondabeku says:

    Many thanks, I been tryin to find out about "paleo beef jerky recipe" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Diyarter Benaylee Cure – (search on google ) ? Ive heard some interesting things about it and my partner got excellent success with it.

  4. S A Adams
    S A Adams says:

    I really like how you get quickly to the point. But, I do agree with others that you should at least partially credit Chef John for the majority of the ideas in this recipe. It's only fair. Except for a few minor differences, your videos are virtually identical. But, you know that already.

    On a different note, I have been using an organic Worcestershire Sauce in my cooking. It's called Wizard's Organic Gluten-Free Vegan Sauce. It tastes awesome! Better than Lea & Perrins or French's by far! No "Natural Flavors" either (which is almost always just another way of calling MSG) You might want to try it. Low carb too!

  5. K.C. Hartman
    K.C. Hartman says:

    You are spot on for all this recipe!

    I love that you were wise enough to "pat dry" after marinating. I literally make over 75 pounds of jerky a year, easily. My only tip I would add is that you instead use a one gallon ziplock bag so you can "massage" the marinade in every few hours…… Great video… keep it up Rob!


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