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Everyone is seeking a magical elixir for youth, glowing skin and skin rejuvenation. There are so many options from great skin care, …

19 replies
  1. Strangerthingsaresaid
    Strangerthingsaresaid says:

    The younger generation is going to look younger then the generation before them, because they are learning the importance of sunscreen and taking care of their skin when they're young, vs the older generation that waited to damage their skin first, then begin taking care of it when it's too late. My daughter knew since 8 years old to protect her skin with sunscreen, eat healthy, and exercise to stay healthy and pretty. Wish I was taught that when I was a kid.

  2. October Sky
    October Sky says:

    As an older Millennial, who is aging like a fine bottle of wine and getting better with every year, I feel bad for the younger ladies that try so hard. These poor women think their “old” as soon as their out of college and closer to 30 than 20. They get treatment after treatment and all end up looking the same. I listen to my younger coworker, who’s 31 and already has breast implants, botox, a nose job, saying how old she is and how her body is sagging even though she looks anorexic, it’s just sad.

  3. Materialworld4
    Materialworld4 says:

    On the other hand, there are Baby Boomers, and Generation X that take abysmal care of themselves, and look like physical wrecks. They will think nothing of putting on 50 to 100 pounds when they hit 50, and never stop overeating. I still see women who have destroyed their skin completely by decades of severe over exposure to the sun, and never think anything of it. Then to add insult to injury they will color their graying hair jet black when that actually makes them look worse. At least this trend is in your favor Dr. Rajani.

  4. lisa davis
    lisa davis says:

    I believe we should care about our appearance and health but in saying that an obsession about ones' appearance to extremes is not healthy.There has to be a balance in all things in life.

  5. Elsa A.
    Elsa A. says:

    Although I'm all for people wanting to preserve their looks as best they can, I do know that social media photos are PHOTOSHOPPED, instagram is tweaked, there are filters, tricks, anything to give us absolutely unrealistic images… NO ONE'S skin looks like those in ads for creams… People URGENTLY need to separate fact from fiction

  6. Teresa Skinner
    Teresa Skinner says:

    I grew up in the 60s My parents knowing or UN knowingly despised the thought of aging full stop! My Mom is 88 works two full time jobs is a world traveler and is right now in New Orleans with her lover

  7.  The Hysterical Deaf Woman
    The Hysterical Deaf Woman says:

    I can't begin to tell you the disgust I feel when I look at myself in a mirror~utter disgust, stomach turning, and absolute panic! Yes, it has changed so much. I like myself once! I look back at those pictures of me when I did and wonder what I was thinking?? How could I even go outside? I was a bit chubby and had acne, but I remember going to dances and being silly and flirty! Now, I see these slight sags coming on and I actually start to shake and have sleepless nights~ I try so hard not to roll over on my side! It saddens me to know end to see this happening to women! Haven't we fought hard enough to say, 'Hey, I count in the world?!!"


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