Mаr-а-Lаgօ Guests Heard Trump SCREAMING in his BEDROOM Lаѕt Νіght

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45 replies
  1. Seamus Artaud
    Seamus Artaud says:

    Trump is bust out funny. Just wants to ascend to whatever he considers to be glory. In actuality, circumstances are coalescing that will flush all his ambitions and half-based nonsense right down the toilet. Every thought and movement another brilliant iridescent turd swirling clockwise.

  2. blondienhouston
    blondienhouston says:

    Isn't it sad that he realizes that the only way he would EVER get back into office would be to tear up the constitution. Our constitution has been around and working for this country for nearly 250 years. OMG, this is not happening for that POS!
    Talk about hoof and mouth disease!

  3. Willie Person
    Willie Person says:

    No is Calling out Donald Trump's, TEXT MESSAGE For what is: Donald was CALLING FOR A CIVIL WAR❗ As long as AG Merrick Garland, DOJ, FBI director Christopher Wary and Jack Smith allow Donald to be FREE of his CRIMES the more DANGEROUS he will GET ❗❗❗🕶️

  4. Brenda West
    Brenda West says:

    Joyce that's not happening . Denounce means republicans stay in your lane and the hell with our Constitution . The Republicans are bananas and I hope every last one of Donald Trump's lackeys cannot sleep at night toss and turn bc this is definitely the republicans fire pit they built it for their personal gains and the greed for power . This country has lost its way nothing matters but money to them PERIOD !!!!

  5. Nellie Olsen
    Nellie Olsen says:

    If he’s re-elected, he would swear to uphold the constitution and follow it by setting the Constitution on fire. I always wondered WTH was wrong with the people in Germany in 1933 when Hitler was rising. Now I know. They let that 30% take over their country, their culture and their future. And look what happened.


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