Low spend grocery haul | Keeping in budget | Aussie frugal family meals

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This weeks meal plan: Instant pot pasta Chicken kebabs with salad Burgers Not sure Easy Take away Left overs The Netflix show I referenced about garlic is …

9 replies
  1. Alexandra W
    Alexandra W says:

    Basic ingredients I try to buy store brand- flour, sugar, pasta, canned legumes etc. I tend to buy name brands for anything more gourmet or with more flavour- sauces, seasonings, tea, coffee etc. I think I have the idea the cheap ones are not as good but I should probably try some again.
    Kebabs and couscous, chicken and veg, taco soup, Schnitzels and chips, pizza/ portobello mushroom pizza, burgers, chicken pad thai.
    My Woolworths click n collect is usually excellent but this time I had to shuffle meals around as a number of things were close to use-by.

  2. Leanne R
    Leanne R says:

    I buy mostly store brand things. I try most things in the store brand to see if we like them, but I do check where they are made first. Some things we haven’t liked and somethings just don’t have an option for home brand.
    This week we have Honey mustard chicken, Lamb wraps (leftover roast), Korean mince bowls, Sticky pork chops, Lasagna, Frozen/oven fish and chips, Roast Pork. We don’t have room for takeaway in our budget and rarely have leftovers with a teen boy in the house.


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