Low Carb Cooking on a Boat While Underway on the Delaware Bay | What Yacht To Do

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Welcome to What Yacht To Do, a Great Loop Documentary. Rev and Sam have shared highlights from their trips around America’s …

10 replies
  1. S Isaacs
    S Isaacs says:

    Captain Sam and Rev, Hello I watched this and went outside brushed off the foot of snow from the grill and fired it up.. went back inside and got my tinfoil out made boat's for the potato's and carrots, put on the grill and when they were almost done I put my steak on the grill… Minimum clean up as well.. got everything back inside fixed my plate and Infront of the fireplace and sat down fired up miracle on 34 th street and enjoying the meal and movie….
    Thank you for all of your videos!!!
    Safe travels and 🙏,

  2. Byron Styron
    Byron Styron says:

    Thank you for sharing the recipe Rev. It's always good to hear new ideas. We eat low carb ourselves so finding new ways to do it on the boat is great. Merry Christmas to you all and best wishes for an awesome new year!


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