Low Carb CHICKEN DIVAN – EASY Keto Chicken Casserole Recipe – Best Low Carb Casserole!

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Low Carb Chicken Divan – Join us for a low carb recipe remake! In this video, we tackle one of the most popular chicken casserole recipes of all time: Chicken …

37 replies
  1. Kevin D Blew
    Kevin D Blew says:

    I am 62 and just tasted this amazing casserole for the first time last week. I had to have it again! But I had to respect the carbs, so I am delighted to find your recipe. I have 7 minutes of cooking time remaining….
    I will scald my mouth undoubtedly. I am not a great cook, but I’m trying recipes that seem within my grasp. This was very easy to understand and with tremendous ingredients!
    I skimped on the pork rinds to control sodium intake. No big.

  2. markiangooley
    markiangooley says:

    At least one relatively recent edition of Joy of Cooking has a recipe for tuna casserole that starts with making what’s essentially condensed cream of mushroom soup from scratch… so I understand this

  3. a pittm
    a pittm says:

    Which app/website do you use to calculate macros when making a recipe? I'm having the hardest time finding one that's reliable. Also, you're so funny and my husband and I love watching your videos 🙂 Thanks for the great content!

  4. E P
    E P says:

    I make this a few times a year. The cream cheese and wine are important. I don’t particularly like the way that the some of the pork rinds turn to granite in the oven, so I’m using panko. I’ll take the carbs and keep what’s left of my teeth. Other than that, this is a damn good recipe.

  5. Marilyn Harris
    Marilyn Harris says:

    FANTASTIC! I was just about to ASK you about low-carbing Chicken Divan and then came across this! The only thing "missing" (as per MY background!?) is ½ tsp. curry powder! THANKS, Wes! XOXO – M

  6. Lynn Elliott
    Lynn Elliott says:

    You have set my entire universe right side up on this one! My Arkansas folks nary can cook a THANG without cream of mushroom soup. I had put Granny's recipe book away, 'cuz I'm trying to LIVE. Listen! I'm back! I'm using this thing you just showed me and I'm making everything from Chicken Divan to Breakfast Casserole to BISCUITS! I'm sure it'll work! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh, and if you buy a clear Pyrex and swap your purple one, I'll stop watching. Bump the clean-pan police. BOOM!

  7. Marcelle Costanza
    Marcelle Costanza says:

    I hereby crown thee the "King of Keto Kasseroles"! This is going to be this Sunday's dinner – and Monday's and Tuesday's. I do a casserole almost every Sunday so I have a few days off from cooking at the beginning of the week (I have a commute from hell). You are my go-to guy for all things casserole! Keep 'em coming , my King!

  8. Denise Tappen
    Denise Tappen says:

    This is the first video I’ve viewed by Hifllutanin’, need I say, “wonderfully delicious!” The delivery was just as enjoyable as the dish. I must admit, as well as feeling like I made a new friend, I was exhausted from making the dish and couldn’t enjoy it, at the time. However, the next day I found it well worth the time it took to make. Thank you, Hifilutanin’! Looking forward to browsing your channel. 💕

  9. Maureen P
    Maureen P says:

    Someone thought your purple 9×13 was dirty? LOL! WTH? I have the same one. It's colored all over people. SMH. I can't wait to try this. Chicken Divan is one of my favorite casseroles.

  10. Debra Freeman
    Debra Freeman says:

    OMG!!!!! Just made the “cream of mushroom soup” for this recipe. It is amazing!!!!! Will definitely make this again just to serve as a soup. Got any ideas for substitutes for cream of chicken soup?


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