Low Carb Chicken and Sausage Filé Gumbo – Big Easy Creole One Pot Recipe

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My low carb chicken and sausage filé gumbo recipe; a classic New Orleans creole dish packed with flavor and spice; as a bonus you’ll only have to clean one …

35 replies
  1. Andrea Mendoza
    Andrea Mendoza says:

    Hi Papa G, I found you a couple of months ago when my husband and I started keto. Thank you so much for the great recipes. I made the gumbo last night and it was WONDERFUL! My husband and I love it!

  2. Amy Conwell
    Amy Conwell says:

    I’m so excited I have found you. By far the best keto recipes I have found! I’m from Louisiana and unfortunately never learned to make gumbo. I was skeptical this would taste like what I remember but WOW! Such authentic flavor and I made it!!! Me! Thanks so much Papa G!!!

  3. Shawna205
    Shawna205 says:

    I made this for Mardi Gras for a non keto/low carb group that was very hesitant and they all raved about it. I add halved hard boiled eggs to my pot but followed the entire recipe. Amazingly satisfying and so yummy!

  4. NiceNisa
    NiceNisa says:

    Made this baby to break my 3 day water fast and it was absolutely delicious! I omitted the xanthan gum and it was still bomb-licious. Going to put this recipe in my rotation and peruse the rest of your content for more recipes. Keep it up Papa G!

  5. Snap 2 Tube
    Snap 2 Tube says:

    I just made this….I stopped cooking after 45mins on low heat. I have a question, why do we have to cook for another 45mins on high heat? It seemed done after the first 45mins. Anyway, this is the best gumbo I've made ever. I'm taking some for my coworker who is from New Orleans, to taste tomorrow. Thanks Papa G.

  6. Sallye Mouk
    Sallye Mouk says:

    Where are you in Louisiana? Right now I'm in baton rouge for last 20 years. We just bought land and we are building south of kentwood in the country. I'm from the country originally and husband is from city (BR) so finally talked him into moving. Have family and friends north like Delhi, monroe, Alexandria, pineville, and all over down here in BR, NOLA, hammond, indy, ponchy, etc. ,

  7. Manny Perez
    Manny Perez says:

    Whatever happened to adding the cooking instructions below the ingredients in the recipe. We can't always cook the recipe right when we watch the video.I love your cooking and videos but it sure would be nice if we could get the full written recipe.


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