Love on the Dole (1941) Deborah Kerr, Clifford Evans, George Carney | Original Movie, Subtitles

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Realistic drama about the struggles of unemployment and poverty in 1930s Lancashire. The 20-year-old Kerr gives an …

20 replies
  1. George N
    George N says:

    What do coast guard got to do with mill ???? Society have …..many harsh ……means of exacting …… interest …from ……People who never get employed with score cards ….We never knew how the score card has grown to about 76600 , previously ……. as low as 32k and even if there is hike in the score card …Nobody knows what these numbers meant to be ??? Probably the banker knows what these random score cards ??

  2. Red Toberts
    Red Toberts says:

    Dad's street was right next to Hankey Park and mum lived down by Salford docks. Dad was born in 1929 and is still alive and well here in Australia. Dad's mum died of pneumonia in 1937, mum's dad was a gassed WW1 vet who died of TB, as did two sisters and her brother in their twenties. Mum took advantage of free education and became a teacher, dad became a lawyer. Workers need education and discipline.

  3. Kennedy Tommy
    Kennedy Tommy says:

    This brings me back to my childhood growing up In Bacup. I remember only too well seeing all the factory chimneys belching out smoke and the streets Full of workers going to work in the morning and returning home at night.

  4. markallen
    markallen says:

    Makes me think of the neighborhood Winston and Julia would visit in 1984, Eric B. and some of Charles Dickens books, Oliver Twist and such.. The Party owns the money, the land and water, taxes us to "own" land, own and drive a car and when we die they tax us…. Homesteading is the best answer for young people..The last line of the movie is profound.

  5. Deaddoc Really Deaddoc
    Deaddoc Really Deaddoc says:

    This film is really interesting for a number of reasons. The portrayal of the working class as the Great Depression arrived in Britain is one. The advent of the national social system is another. This film was obviously made as a propaganda piece as World War Two had been underway for two years by the time this film was made. The message at the end was to the people who were young and suffering then, to thank them for what they were doing now, and touting the new social welfare state arrangement. The sad thing about the welfare state is that you can only help people so much.

  6. Helen Poornima
    Helen Poornima says:

    Love ! Yes ! I love my Arjun Moorthy ! He is a handsome man ! We are made for each other !but because of the religion caste and some reasons we were seperated by our dads ! But we are still loving each other ! Thank u CCC 👸 💃❤


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