Love Canning in the Winter! Canning Dry green peas! Pantry stable!

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Canning #canninggreenpeas #pantry #whippoorwillholler #faith #cooking #homesteading #sustainability …

50 replies
  1. Linda Petersen
    Linda Petersen says:

    Am glad you said about your fingers and how to do things !!! Have had the same problems also !!! It will help me out in the long run then !!! Have some beef to do in the pressure canner !!!

  2. Annie
    Annie says:

    Very interesting video but I'm a little confused. Can somebody clarify what these are like after processing? Do they turn out the same as if you were to open a can of Del Monte or Green Giant green peas? I try to grow peas but for some reason just have no success at it. If these are like commercially canned peas I'll just go this route and use my garden space for other things that I AM successful at! Thank you!

  3. NorthernKarma
    NorthernKarma says:

    So glad you posted this video. I bought a big bag of peas a while back because they were so cheap and wasn't sure what to do with them. I will probably do some up tomorrow. On a side note, I planted some in the garden last year just for giggles – they grew like CRAZY!
    Happy surprise!

  4. Bridget Greene
    Bridget Greene says:

    Great video .. I love peas ! My mother in law, before she passed, would can Fresh peas! She and I were the only ones who liked them.. so for my Birthday every year I got a case of pint jars of canned peas and a case of pint green bean ! Best gift ever , I sure miss them ! I’m going to try this and hope they taste like hers !!! I’ll probably cry if they do ! Thank you for this Miss Lori ! Blessings to you both .

  5. corrinna corrinna
    corrinna corrinna says:

    Thank you Ms. Lori!! I requested this a while back. I always can my beans, meat, soups in the wintertime to heat the house as well as stock my pantry. I'm so excited to can these!! You can find dry green peas at ethnic markets .(I found mine in an Indian store.)

  6. Betsy L
    Betsy L says:

    I have never thought about canning anything dried other thank beans so this has given me some new ideas rather than "same-old, same-old." We have a daughter who loves peas above all other veggies. This gives me an idea of what I can do to send her a special "You Are Loved" for no special occasion kind of a little gift. I feel that home made or home cooked just puts a little something extra on any kind of gift.

  7. Morgan Calvi
    Morgan Calvi says:

    Just a word of warning about buying food at Wally World. It's a week old before it even hits the shelf. The people who stock the shelves NEVER check dates and put the oldest first. The oldest end up expired and they are never taken off the shelf. Besides, if you knew what the sons did to the father to get that store, I'd be surprised you shop there.

  8. Renee
    Renee says:

    Good morning sister Lori,
    Its 8 a.m. on Sunday morning and you set a fire under me yesterday and by sundown i was at our local Mennonite bulk store to buy dried whole green peas and i now have a canner full going as i type.👍
    Believe it or not, i was going to plant a mess of green peas this year but was concerned with space because im planting other field peas and Calico limas so this right here just solved my dilemma and i cant believe i hadn't thought of this sooner…see how we need each other!…. we need to encourage one another and teach and uplift… continue being that Prov 31 and Titus 2 woman my dear sister in Messiah…we love y'all and appreciate you. Hold fast to the lord❤️

  9. Dizzie Chef
    Dizzie Chef says:

    One of my favs is creamed peas. I’m wanting to can baby carrots so that they keep a nice color. I canned cabbage soup and my veggies seem scarce. I think maybe I needed to add more veggies.

  10. Darlene Anglin
    Darlene Anglin says:

    I loved this video and I’m going to make this my first vegetabl to start my 2023 pantry ! Now, though, someone please tell me the tastiest way to prepare them in a meal ?
    I also have a question about your green peas and shallots for your supper the even ing- did you can those with the shallots added OR add them before putting on the stove ?
    Thank you !!


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