Love & Best Dishes: Paula's New Kitchen Tour

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Paula’s New Kitchen Tour – Paula gives the first part of her house tour now that she’s getting settled in! Watch Paula Deen’s renovated kitchen tour now.

41 replies
  1. nettiepm
    nettiepm says:

    Thank you for sharing Ms.Paula. This kitchen brings back a lot of great TV memories! Your home is beautiful!!! I love that the cat welcomed us to swivel chairs. A house is not a home without some pets:) Looking forward to seeing the rest of your home. "Until next time….. love & best dishes".

  2. Tonja Kines
    Tonja Kines says:

    I LOVE the new kitchen. Classy yet homey! I am in the market for an accent chair and love your swivel chairs. I understand they are Craftmaster in your line but can you let us know the model number please? Again so beautiful and thank you thank you for giving us a glimpse!! Love you to pieces!!!

  3. Flora Braswell
    Flora Braswell says:

    I’am like you Paula it’s going to take me some time 😂” not that l don’t like it , but maybe a different color or something l will think on it lol 😆 but it’s beautiful, l thought at first it was a butchers board 🤔you really have a beautiful home l Love that it is located on waterfront such a wonderful area ! You make me feel so at home 👍☺️which is nice ‘since everyone else have become home bodies during this Covid stuff, it’s the new normal nowadays 🙄

  4. Bob Baker
    Bob Baker says:

    I do have one question, what is that blue machine on your counter. Watching your UTube episodes we’ve seen three different colors. Yellow, red & now blue. I thought it was a bread maker.

  5. Victoria Sagraves
    Victoria Sagraves says:

    I have not seen you for a long time Paula & you look well. I love the kitchen & those 2 chairs by master-craft & I wish I could locate them & afford them as well. I love a chair that is comfy,swivels rocks. Beautiful pieces Paula. You have a beautiful home. Good to see you!

  6. Val Identity
    Val Identity says:

    Hi Paula! I never knew you were a decorator until I recently moved into a house that has a Paula Deen sectional sofa

    Unfortunately, the prior owner used some stinky potpourri, and even after having it professionally cleaned it still smells.

    It is a beautiful couch and something I would have purchased.
    I never thought it was used until the paint smell dissipated and I began noticing the odor.

    Any suggestions are welcome on how to get scents out of fabrics. I suffer from “Multiple Chemical Sensitivity” (you can look that up too:). Making it impossible to use anything scented.

    Your home is lovely!


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