Love & Best Dishes: Chicken Caprese Casserole Recipe | Chicken Recipes for Dinner

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Chicken Caprese Casserole Recipe | Chicken Recipes for Dinner – Chicken casserole recipes always make for great easy family …

29 replies
  1. Pat Smith
    Pat Smith says:

    I am not a child but I donโ€™t like red pepper flakes either. I wouldnโ€™t put in that amount that your recipe called for either. The mouths of children are very sensitive and if your family have Omnicron their senses will be touchy.

  2. Lynde Wilcox
    Lynde Wilcox says:

    I was just watching your video (as I do everyday I just adore you) and thought I'd share a tip with you. Like you I don't like to waste a drop of everything. My tip for you and your other viewers is when you have a jarred sauce whether it be a red sauce or an alfredo sauce. I use either broth or cream to shake it the jar to clean it all out. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜

  3. Karen Kissick
    Karen Kissick says:

    Miss Paula what is the back ground noise I keep hearing….at first it sent me back decades to my old RCA color television….then I thought maybe she is running my old noisy dishwasher…lol it could just be the rushing of air shooting between my ears.

  4. Katsem
    Katsem says:

    This looks so tasty. I have an old tyrkey roaster, the old-timey type with white speckles. I donโ€™t use it for roasting anymore. I use it to mix ingredients before putting in a casserole dish. Soooo much easier and less frustrating when combining ingredients. Itโ€™s easy to clean it up too.


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