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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #largefamilylove #homesteading …

43 replies
  1. Rebekah Ogle
    Rebekah Ogle says:

    Technically, Shepherd's Pie is made with ground lamb. Realistically, in the States, ground lamb is relatively scarce, so, we use ground beef and call it Shepherd's Pie. In Scotland this is Cottage Pie. Potayto, potahto. It's good either way.

  2. Sharon Evans
    Sharon Evans says:

    I'm not a good sleeper either. I have trouble falling asleep and don't go to sleep till early in the morning. I have tried everything, reading, listening to music, and nothing seems to help. I just have accepted my sleep habits and life goes on. It made it hard when the kids were young but now their all grown up with children of their own. So I sleelp in the morning if I don't have anywhere to go. It is what it is ..

  3. Shirley Jensen
    Shirley Jensen says:

    The recipe for sweet potato biscuits that I have, calls for the butter to be cut into the flour COLD…not melted. And I bake my potato instead of boil it. It doesn’t have as much liquid as boiled/canned. Everything looked so good. ❤

  4. Angela Miller
    Angela Miller says:

    It seems like everyone knows it by Shepherds Pie. That is what I have always heard others call it. Ive never made it. Cottage pie sounds like it may have cottage cheese in it, but I know it supposedly it doesn't. Just another name for Shepherds pie. It looks delicious though. I make tater tot casserole alot. The family loves it. We get 2 meals out of it, so that works out good. In fact we have having it this Friday and Saturday. I will have green beans and corn as sides with it. Like to make meals that makes more than one meal to make our money stretch a little more. I do Spaghetti, hamburger goulosh, chili beans, chicken casserole and other things that go a long way. We are just a family of 4. Hope you have a good week and get alot accomplished. That is my goal, but dont always get done what I need to get done.

  5. Annie Lumm
    Annie Lumm says:

    I'm not a fan of Shepard's pie. But if I put the mash potatoes down then the same shepherd pie mix on top and leave out the cheese I'll devour it. So maybe mine is upsidedown Shepard's pie 😂😂 Hubby get frustrated with me but he don't like goulash and I do lol. So I say hush our ill make goulash tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣

  6. KendraS90
    KendraS90 says:

    Loving the fall decor! I love fall and Halloween! I don't put too much out, but just a few things to make me smile. Hope your weather is cooling down. It's only 68 here in western PA. Enjoying it for sure!

  7. Otto Strohschein
    Otto Strohschein says:

    Thought of you when I saw this

    I’ve seen many posts asking about storing empty jars. So I’m sharing the wisdom of my grandmother. She taught me this in the 1960’s and I have been doing this ever since.
    These jars are not sealed as this is water. It is clean water that can be used for washing or for consumption. If you are concerned about stored water, remember, IT’S WATER. You can boil it before consuming it. As long as your source is safe, the water should be safe.
    �These are my ‘empty’ canning jars. If you notice, they aren’t really empty. They are filled with water. �My grandmother always said that an empty jar takes up just as much space as a full one. NEVER put an empty jar on the shelf. If you don’t have anything to can or store in it, fill it with clean water.�This has come in handy many times. In February 2021, here in Texas, we had a deep freeze. We were without power and water for about a week. We kept warm with a fireplace and blankets. For water, I had my canning jars. Even the small 4oz jelly jars had water in them. �The stores were out of bottled water, so no one could get any for over a week. I had some neighbors who knew I had jars full begging me for my water. I had shared this wisdom nugget and been ridiculed for it. I see posts in other groups and videos saying to stock up on bottled water. I’m doing what my grandmother said. I’ll keep my empty jars full of water

  8. hils72
    hils72 says:

    I'm in Northern Ireland and we call it shepherd's pie toi.
    Put my dinner on sat down to watch your video and laughed- because that's exactly what I'm making for dinner 😂 enjoy your day off and rest

  9. B B
    B B says:

    lol I have never heard of cottage pie! I googled it and it said that shepherds pie is usually made with lamb or mutton and cottage pie beef! But never have I ever heard of cottage pie, it’s a shepherds pie!


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