Lose 10 lbs in 1 week Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe in Pressure cooker | Wonder Soup | Cabbage soup

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Checking out diet plans to lose weight quickly? The cabbage soup diet is exactly what you need. Dieters have reported losing upto 10 pounds in just 7 days!

24 replies
  1. E GARZA
    E GARZA says:

    Wow! I just made this soup. It's delicious πŸ˜‹. Incredible savory soup. Easy to make also. Thank you for uploading videos like this one.

  2. Debbie Spitznagel
    Debbie Spitznagel says:

    Wow that looks so tasty! I like your kitty!!! We love our instant pot and make lots of soups in it, it's so fast and such a time saver. I was born in Kentucky, at Fort Campbell Army Hospital over 60 years ago, but moved back to Rhode Island before seeing it. That view is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for such a simple and enticing recipe, I will be sure to try it.

  3. sis D
    sis D says:

    Looks delicious. Just stumbled on your videos on my feed. Subscribed instantly. Will be making this in a couple of days. Thanks for sharing.

  4. yen Casey Casey
    yen Casey Casey says:

    Looks so yummy thank you for sharing, new neighbor here sending you a full support with bell all,I’m just right here in my humble house waiting for you thank you in advance.

  5. Magnetic Man
    Magnetic Man says:

    Hey cobber, how goes it. Just got back from my uncles funeral in Canberra, (Australia's capital city);-) It was good to catch up with family but a sad occasion;-( your cabbage soup looks good cobber, but fair dinkum, you know what might happen to me…KABOOM….me exploding from eating too much cabbage;-/ an instantaneous weight loss…on the spot….your new kitchen toy (pressure cooker) looks cool, might have to invest in one sooner than later;-))) xo

  6. Cheryl Haurik
    Cheryl Haurik says:

    Thank you for your videos. As we can see the world is changing over to evilness at a high rate of speed. I know of someone who will never change, he is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow.
    Hebrews 13:8Β  Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.Β 
    He won't change the rules on us, we don't need a white board to let us know what todays laws, rules, expectation will be.
    He tells us to go out into the world and give the gospel the greatest gift ever given.
    Mark 16:15Β  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.Β 
    We are not promised tomorrow and know not when we will take out last breath. Please call upon him today.
    John 3:15Β  That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.Β 
    John 3:16Β  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


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