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25 replies
  1. Ray Lang
    Ray Lang says:

    Basic question: I'm working with a health organization and I want to bring down my sugar levels a bit and up my ketone #s. This org. says to keep my protein level or ozs. to under 15 under per day. 15 oz ounces per day. 5'10 and 170. Curious if that sounds reasonable to you.

  2. Dust Storm
    Dust Storm says:

    Protien does not harm kidneys carbs do. Especially green toxic vegetables. You shouldn't even be keto of you have kidney damage as vegetable eating harms the kid in eyes.
    Carnivore, no spices will beheal the kidneys. Meat is the answer. Not any kind of plant matter.
    Sorry. You know squat about kid eyfinvtion. You're as dumb as a y idiot doctor that says Protien harms kidneys. That's a total rubbish lie. I've taken my kidney function from stage four to stage one by eliminating plants. And there is no pain in kidney disease for most people and urination is good not bad. For gods sake quit spewing this nonsense. Drink water when thirsty. When you're not thirsty dontdronk. You can drink too much!!
    You idiot influencers need to STFU.

  3. Ellen Carpenter
    Ellen Carpenter says:

    Omg I’m so glad I came across you video ,,I was I’m doing the Keto diet and I was searching for answers what is causing pain underneath my left rib cage and underneath my left shoulder blade do you think 🤔 it could be my kidneys I know you can’t really give medical advice but just want to know if it could be my kidney or pancreas love to hear back from you your opinion,love from Canada 🇨🇦

  4. A Brave Bird Saved
    A Brave Bird Saved says:

    OXALATES . People on Keto with kidney issues are from high amounts of Almonds , spinach , chocolate, turmeric etc . These foods cause Oxalate crystals to form in kidneys and in the body causing feelings of arthritis. You also need extra Potassium to help rid the body of crystals. Stop using Almonds of any kind. Look into Oxalate foods

  5. Redhead 67
    Redhead 67 says:

    I don't tolerate salt. It raises my blood pressure, exacerbates my plaque psoriasis, makes my lower legs swell, and gives me diarrhea. I do have fatigue. I'm not sure what to do

  6. Glamour Guru Nae
    Glamour Guru Nae says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Stephanie! I'm working on putting more emphasis on both hydration (sipping, not gulping) as well as electrolytes. I'm so EXCITED about your new land, your fur babies, the house you will build, etc., etc.

  7. Living best life I can
    Living best life I can says:

    Hi Stephanie, Im from Uk. first thanks great timing as always. I had this even i balance them i had electrolytes problems before keto or carnivore. My systems started as a vegan. It presented as leg spasms then i started to get that pain in my right side. Then its effected my heart. My heart rate QTs were prolonged.

    This happen less now. I drink alot and i use electrolytes drinks in morning then at night i take supplements including the tranfermal magnesium spray.

    I had to reduce my salt so no bacon just pure sea salt. I also found taking calcium supplements for electrolytes gave me migrains and extended blood vessels. I now started eating sardines to get magnesium in a edible form.

    I definitely had this pain its do bad. Thanks i wasnt sure if it was my goulbladder at the time. One thing know told me was i was blacking out. I didnt relise at the time was my kidney’s.

  8. The Andrew K Channel
    The Andrew K Channel says:

    Staying hydrated is definitely a challenge for me while on Keto and I have had symptoms of dehydration earlier in my diet journey. I do try to drink at least 2 Litres of water plus some electrolytes a day (pink salt water with some keto chow drops). I get most of my electrolytes from meals (I eat 6 pickles a day (salt and Potassium) plus romaine/spinach salads (Potassium/Magnesium). I don't react well to electrolyte supplements so I have to get most of them from food. I agree that too much protein is probably not a great idea, but too much of anything is bad and I honestly think that your kidneys will be fine with your protein intake. I don't count protein or worry about it, I eat Rib eye, ground beef, Chicken, and salmon portions that will make me comfortably stuffed. I have had several tests done throughout my diet journey and my kidney function has improved significantly from an average of 83 to 116-119/120. My urine is usually light yellow or clear (No expulsion of protein or any issues) Electrolytes are fine. Heart is fine. Thyroid is perfect. Lungs are perfect.

    I don't fast much because like you said if you don't watch it you can end up feeling awful from depleted Electrolytes. I usually fast once a week or two and I sip salt/electrolyte water/tea all day (And I am very inactive). I usually bum around the house or might go to the store and that's it.

    I eat twice a day usually. 2-4pm and 7-9pm. I go to bed at 1am and sleep 8-9 hours. I eat around 10-20g of carbs a day. Anything more will kick me out of Keto.

    I also do light intensity weights. I drink salt water with a bit of electrolytes while I work out. I also eat a couple blue berries before a work out and it helps with movement and recovery. Working out no longer makes me feel fatigued, now it gives me more energy!

    Currently I am dealing with bloating and some digestive issues. Also been getting a rash on my arms. I am 46 days on keto. I have been in and out of keto over the last year (just me not knowing what I was doing) But now I have been consistent. I take bile salts and it helps a lot. I think my body is really struggling to break down fats. I am not sure why cause I use to eat high fat and carb before keto but ya. In the beginning, I was eating tons of fat and I had to lower it and it helped quite a bit.

    Taking it day by day. I am not married to keto, so may go off it in the future. But for now I am trying it out and see what benefits I get. 🙂
    So far my anxiety has reduced significantly, autoimmune issues in remission, Skin looks better than it ever has, brain fog gone, mental clarity, etc. Ketones usually around 1.0-2.5 mmol/L. Sugar is not consistent though, it;s all over the place. had about every reading possible. from 3.4 to 5.7 as a resting glucose. Average reading is usually 4.6.

    DYI-n-SAVE-FROM A-Z says:

    30-60 is Stage 3 CKD
    61-80- is Stage 2 CKD
    81-99- is Stage 1 CKD
    100- is Norman KF
    When you reach Stage 4 under 30 Your are in bad CKF and If you don't step up your foods and Cut out Banana tomatoes and other foods they will end up on Dyalisis. Once your on the machine its never going to end.
    My kidneys are not in my flank area next to the rib cage. My kidneys never grew up my spine. Mine are in my pelvic area. They are right on the Aorta that runs down your spine then splits to your legs. Brachial region. I never knew this until I was 53. Yep! Spinach is absolutely not to eat as its too toxic for humans as those tomatoes. Ive lost 30 lbs in 5 weeks, changed my entire life. I'll never go back to junk.

  10. Dell Bridge
    Dell Bridge says:

    Hello Ms.Stephanie, you look very healthy. Also, how are you? Currently, I am on a milk diet. I drink over one gallon of milk a day. Do I still need to drink water? Milk is about 80-87 percent water.

  11. Dell Bridge
    Dell Bridge says:

    I used to have severe muscle cramps when I ate a diet of only cooked meat. A few months later, I began eating raw meat. I do not recommend that anyone eat raw meat. I became sick from eating contaminated raw meat. Although, for me, eating raw meat did stop the muscle cramps that I was experiencing.


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