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PERFECT YOUR HEALTH https://frank-tufano.com Grass Fed Meats https://frankiesfreerangemeat.com/ High Quality Foods https://frankiesfreerangefoods.com/

38 replies
  1. Orion McNebulas
    Orion McNebulas says:

    How did you earn the money to lease /invest so much into your business? ID humorously think cause youre Italian in NY, its help from/ties to "the family" like mafia uncle or grandpa in your corner ;b most likely not but fun to think the mafia still doing good business in NY. Either way, proud of a fellow soul making their vision reality in order to imrpove well being of self and others.

  2. Donald Partridge
    Donald Partridge says:

    Thank you very much Frank. You’re a couple years older than me, I admire what you’ve accomplished. I’ve learned a lot on my own very similar to what you preach about health from various health professionals and anti establishment people. My health journey didn’t start with you but sort of ended with you. Now that I consume organ meats and Regulate my wellbeing Physically Mentally and Spiritually I am content. Connection to the Sun so strong. I wish you good fortune in the coming months. I’ll have to hit your nightclub before New York gets locked down again. – Donnie from Mass 🤟

  3. Natty testmale
    Natty testmale says:

    Did my first order about 2 weeks ago and they forgot my $20 gouda cheese. Frankie refunded the $20 and told me i can get a free one for my next purchase. Great customer service and i'll definitely be ordering on a consistent basis! 🙂

  4. jesus aljure
    jesus aljure says:

    Frank, is it safe to eat the large and small intestines of a freshly killed ruminant animal? Let’s say I kill it, i open it and I start eating the intestines without cleaning them, is it safe?

  5. Jaesun Lee
    Jaesun Lee says:

    Hey frank! I just wanted to ask if you had a book list? Im trying to educate myself through readings like Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Deep Nutrition, fat of the land, Man the Hunter, etc. Any other recommendations? They can be ethnographic studies or science based. Just trying to learn!

  6. War By Other Means
    War By Other Means says:

    Profit maximization has destroyed this country. The fools keep trying to increase the gap from processing to sale price…and for what…

    No one realizes this paper fiat ponzi scheme is just debt money paying debt creating more debt. We are a debt based economy to keep us as wage slaves. I've checked out of caring for money. Take all my money bro I'm done with this society, gonna empty the 403B account

  7. Mandi Justine
    Mandi Justine says:

    I think you’re right. I’ve done the small business thing twice myself and the only way I would have stayed profitable long term to even make it worth it I would have had to of been ripping people off bad. Now that I’m familiar with wholesale prices in a lot of things it’s hard to justify supporting some businesses. Truly. More than happy to support your tho! Prices are good and so are the products! Your work ethic is the icing on the cake.

  8. cybernaut_ev
    cybernaut_ev says:

    I've long since come to the conclusion that businesses are scam operations. It has become what doing business is all about. Just like lawyers' credo. If you can sue someone for injuries or damage, even when it's your own fault, you're a fool not to take the opportunity.

  9. [DW] TheLegitLad
    [DW] TheLegitLad says:

    cookie boy throw up a stream sometime and lets talk about whos a boy and who isnt xoxo. Ffrm delivers to europe right? if i were to move to turkey and how much is the shipping? if anyone in the comments orders from europe let me know


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