LOADED Broccoli Salad – The Best Salad to Bring to a Party!

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This easy-to-make simple broccoli salad is loaded with everything good – bacon, apples, cheese, onion, carrots, craisins, walnuts, …

20 replies
  1. Hilda Highlander
    Hilda Highlander says:

    Looks delicious! I actually like to add grapes cut in half to mine, but I think apples would be delicious too! Great idea! Love that bite of sweetness in every bite. Actually, in my opinion. Vanilla Greek Yogurt is pretty good in your dressing. I mix it with mayo too.
    Try it, you just might like it!💗

  2. Jolie King
    Jolie King says:

    I've been looking for this exact recipe for quite a while. I tried the broc salad from a Kroger down in FL a few years ago and couldn't really recall (or guess) what all was in it. Thanks for sharing it!

  3. J Walk
    J Walk says:

    Love Broccoli salad! I always add dry roasted sunflower seeds & or dry roasted soybeans to broccoli salad for added texture & crunch! I also use apple cider vinegar instead. Haven't ever used apples, will have to try that next time! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Sharon Leite
    Sharon Leite says:

    Made this today and was wonderful! I did not have the yogurt so just left it out of the dressing and used kombucha that turned to vinegary in place of vinegar. It is a keeper according to my husband.

  5. Bridget Salter
    Bridget Salter says:

    Brilliant recipe 👍. ..that can't be your real kitchen six sisters ?….I could perform open heart surgery on those gleaming worktops !!
    Mmmh handy if the recipe calls for stuffed hearts lol 🙊😄.thanks for another great summer idea💓

  6. Heidi Hudgins
    Heidi Hudgins says:

    I love, adore, worship, and dream of this salad! I think the finer pieces you can get the broccoli in, the better (I know you were hurrying for the camera!). I also love to add LOTS of black pepper, a little garlic salt, and even sometimes smoked paprika in the dressing, but it does change the color a bit. It makes it tastes smokier and more bacon-ish. I sometimes do shredded cheese (but cubes are more fun to bite into!), and some toasted sunflower seeds and shredded carrots too!!!

    Will say, if you make this you might think it’s too dry and not enough dressing, but as it sits the vinegar breaks down the cell walls of the veggies (like coleslaw does) and it makes more liquid. So don’t drown it in mayo, thinking it isn’t enough— just let it settle a while. Honestly even better the next day! Ugh, I can hurt myself with this stuff! I could eat it forever! I just love it soooooo much!!! Never added apple and I’m doing that next time!!! Never tried the greek yogurt either, gonna do that next time and skip some calories! May use Veganaise too!!! Thanks for an awesome recipe!!!!


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