Loaded Baked Potato Soup (VEGAN) 🥔🥦🧀 Healthy, Hearty, Flavorful, Perfect Fall/Winter Recipe 🍁

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Who grew up eating loaded baked potato dinners on a regular basis?! ‍♀️ I used to love these meals when I was …

6 replies
  1. à-bas-le-ciel
    à-bas-le-ciel says:

    Man, I would just never buy Shiitake here: when I was living in Asia, they cost pennies, and were high quality… here, they're a kind of "false luxury", i.e., you pay a great deal, but get little out of it. Alas, I lack the strength of character to become a mushroom farmer.

  2. Eva Shea
    Eva Shea says:

    This looks delicious and you did a beautiful job filming it. I love that you explain your reasoning for everything, with tips that could be applied to other dishes too. I don’t like mushrooms but I think there is a way to make carrot bacon, so maybe I will try it that way.


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