LIVE Keto/Low-Carb Q&A Session

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Info & links mentioned: *JOIN MY PATREON* Get access to multiple LIVE Q&A/AMA (ask me anything) broadcasts, virtual keto …

14 replies
  1. fwoody1983
    fwoody1983 says:

    Did not know about the live. Ate a few bites of non ok foods for Thanksgiving and paid the price all day Friday with a upset tummy. Being sick and feeling bad quickly sends me back to keto. I wish people would not freak out when you tell them you are keto. I have not been able to find a PC doctor who is keto friendly. Thank for all you do.

  2. Lona Marilyn
    Lona Marilyn says:

    Thank you I’m sorry I missed your live ! Your sessions are so informative . I am enjoying a low carb way of life now that I am at my goal weight, thanks to the keto diet. I am so happy about my outcome, read ingredient labels, and live each day to the fullest.

  3. Living In Oz
    Living In Oz says:

    I ate the carbs on Thanksgiving!😂 I ate one large meal with my family on Thanksgiving day, and the next day I went right back to intermittent fasting and keto. No guilt. No second guessing my decision. I didn’t kill someone…I just ate more carbs than I normally do in one meal.


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