Life Update | Where have I been??

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It’s been waaaay over a month since I’ve really filmed something, especially where I sit down to talk and catch up with you all!

14 replies
  1. RokSimmer (gal4God)
    RokSimmer (gal4God) says:

    Organising videos are awesome!!! I find them useful for helping me organise and then my kids learn from me doing it!!! We haven’t had a command Center before but it may be useful!!! We are looking for patio furniture that works in heat, at the moment we are looking online as we are on the way to our new home!!! Nothing wrong wiv taking a break!!!

  2. Danielle Levitt
    Danielle Levitt says:

    🌴 looking forward to the kids rooms organization content! I need some ideas and inspiration for my kids rooms! 🙂
    (And I have also watched the cold brew video multiple times last summer when I discovered how much I love cold brew! – but I live in Ontario, Canada so it’s hot coffee through the cold winter for me lol)


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