Life By Jen and Gene Buy All the Cheese | Reaction

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Glen went grocery shopping for Life By Jen / Jennifer Gwen Ann and he bought all the cheese. No, really. I don’t think he left any …

27 replies
  1. Lauren
    Lauren says:

    The thing about reviews is basically true ime (medical career here). We are beholden to those scores and its often BS. We do genuinely care about your experience, but with peace and love a large percentage of the population doesnt really understand the medical stuff and what constitutes quality care. In that situation, they focus on the stuff they do understand–like "did I like the food?" etc. Medicine is just another big business, and making "customers" happy too often comes at the cost of doing what is best for them… as the people actually facing patients, we do our damndest to make both happen, but when admin is breathing down our necks about nonsense and ignoring real problems (fixing those is too expensive 🙄)… sometimes I feel like glorified customer service.

    Aaaaand I got into a whole ass rant. I need a vacation.

  2. ƈօʟɖɮʀɛա ռɛt •
    ƈօʟɖɮʀɛա ռɛt • says:

    While I’ve struggled with being an unhealthy eating fatty over the years, I never was into cheese like many of these people! I don’t dislike cheese, but I don’t want it added to things where it’s not essential to the dish (pizza, mac n’ cheese, etc) With Jen, I think the appeal of a keto diet is the cheese.

  3. ƈօʟɖɮʀɛա ռɛt •
    ƈօʟɖɮʀɛա ռɛt • says:

    Enabling and codependency aside, I don’t know why I don’t like Gene. He is super sketch to me. Sketch like there’s a body buried somewhere. If he hadn’t said he was from Texas, I would’ve guessed Florida 😉😘 My mom retired in Key West and later, “Dunedin. I met some real characters in both cities!

  4. The Indescribable One
    The Indescribable One says:

    Gah. First item of the haul and it's a fail. Something as simple as a sugary cereal can very easily trigger a binge. I wish they would get that you cannot do keto halfway. High fat + high sugar is the quickest way to gain weight.

  5. Angela Rose
    Angela Rose says:

    I hate almond milk lol. Chobani makes a high protein milk and it's the only milk I will ever use now. Not surprised all the groceries were processed convenient food since jen is completely bed bound now and can't even sit up.

  6. Jessica
    Jessica says:

    Me again.. just going to say… Gene was sneaking in fast food all the time when she was in the hospital. She was ordering the most calorie dense meals while she was a patient in that hospital as well. So many of her snacks consisted of Salami and Cheese cups with pretzels and pieces of apple. She also ordered food to be delivered to her.. Gene is going to be another reason she ends up failing. This is really bad for Jen.

  7. Jessica
    Jessica says:

    I've missed your reactions so much! I think Gene must be sticking around purely based on some health insurance policy they took out for Jen… hence why he is enabling her food addictions and giving in to her wants of every cheese on this earth. I really hope I am wrong… but it would make a lot of sense as to why he is doing all of this. He wants to cash in when she's dead.

  8. La Nina Azul
    La Nina Azul says:

    These two clearly like throwin' about that word "Keto?" But clearly don't follow it.
    I've never known anyone on Keto that polishes off that much dairy? There's atleast 3-cows hangin' in that frig!
    We clearly both know that "Bai" beverage-juice, has atleast 35-40 grams of sugar.
    Just because it says "Juice" on the label? Doesn't mean that it actually contains any!
    Also? White bread?
    Hoagie Rolls & White Hot Dog Buns? Both clearly have nothing but sugar!
    Don't they understand that this stuff is what's keeping her a "heavy chevy!".. It's not helping her.
    Even that store bought salsa is chuck full of preservatives & sugar?.. Why not buy the ingredients & make it fresh by yourself?
    And! You might as well stick a fork in it.. Jen's done, if she's eating those sausage & egg mcmuffins also leaves it's mark when you heat & eat.
    You clearly know what's good & what needs to be incinerated.
    You keep doing the great job you do.. I'll keep watching!👍

  9. ChickenChopSuey
    ChickenChopSuey says:

    Interesting comment about the hospital cuisine and focusing on scores. Here in Canada, I have never experienced that. They always give you a meal that’s in line with your medical condition. I had kidney disease for some time and only every got “renal-friendly” meals.

  10. We Are All Vultures
    We Are All Vultures says:

    – TIP –

    🧀 @GG separate half of your cheese into a Ziploc bag and freeze. It freezes well and when you run out of cheese just put the frozen cheese in the fridge and it'll be ready for next time!

  11. Finni 🌬
    Finni 🌬 says:

    What a waste of 6 months in the hospital, she had the perfect opportunity to lose sooo much weight. She looks like she has gained. I saw some where she said she lost 150lb… hell no way she lost that..unless she stood on the scale instead of sitting in the wheelchair on the scale..


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