Let's Make A Shteeeeewwwwww

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36 replies
  1. ChiTownMom_'n Hollywood
    ChiTownMom_'n Hollywood says:

    I am speaking to you as a mom but also as an EX-w & gf who was financially abused…twice! 😳 😂 😬
    1. If you decide to move, please remove your name from the lease. Unless the mgmt company agrees to no longer hold you financially responsible for back rent and damages, you WILL be on the hook for that money.
    2. Move to a place that has more public transportation options / walkable and job opportunities for you. You will feel better when you gain this independence.
    3. I think you have good insight into anime. I found out about Princess Mononoke earlier this year from you! I had never seen it. But, because of you, I was able to take my kids to see it and the other Studio Ghibli showings this year. Next year you should do a post-viewing stream after each movie. I would come here and watch that.
    4. Keep your talking points on those things and STOP ENGAGING TROLLS AND HATERS. You DO NOT have to engage with them because it makes you look bad when you’re screaming and cursing reacting to them. They’re laughing and you’re losing viewers.

    You have a good community here. Most of your viewers, because there are some trolls, actually care about you and want the best. Listen to them. Go get yourself a little place and live your life. You can do this!


    Peetz, people have a choice to give you money or not. Give people the option so that you're able to have an income and build independence. It'll be a lot easier to move and get yourself going. You have 3 months to save. Give people the opportunity to join a membership. You can stil do open chats. People clearly want to support you. Don't shoot yourself in the foot. You need money and you provide entertainment whether it feels that way or not. Allow yourself to get paid. There is no shame in making money. You can always do it where a benefit of membership is asking them what kinds of videos they want to see you make and just do what you feel drawn to. It doesn't have to be too stressful nor intense.

  3. Sarah Miller
    Sarah Miller says:

    When you are cooking with you know who, she always makes it look like you are incapable, when you clearly are from what I can see here. When you are not raging about trolls and politics you appear like an okay guy. And you love Casey.

    GAIL GOETTL says:

    Peetz One thing that I've learned through CMHA when I took Emotional Regulation Course, if you find yourself in a toxic friendship / Relationship take a step back and walk away chances are it was "Not" meant too be (A) Surround yourself with Positive people. (B) Never put your life on hold for anyone and lastly never let anyone take advantage of your kindness.

  5. Pumpkin Shrug
    Pumpkin Shrug says:

    Peetz, do "Learn to Cook With Me" streams.
    There's probably a lot of people who'd be into learning to cook alongside you.
    Just pick a recipe you'd like to try, post it in CPs a day or so beforehand so people can get the ingredients and then do a stream cooking it and encourage others who want to learn to follow along.
    Then you can discuss techniques, tips and results. 😊

  6. Laura
    Laura says:

    Great to see you cooking, Peetz. When I was young (I'm about your age), I found a really great series to watch was "Delia's How To Cook". She goes through cooking from the absolute basics, like boiling an egg, and each episode is talking about and teaching a new technique to people who've never cooked through to people who've been cooking for years. It's on YT and was invaluable to me as an inexperienced cook.

  7. Flick
    Flick says:

    Peetz, you seem so different with her gone. You're motivated to cook and look after yourself and the cats a bit more and you just seem less down and stressed overall.
    Keep going, baby steps are perfectly fine.
    I think you would really benifit from making some like-minded friends who were into the same books, anime, comics etc.
    Maybe that's something you could do on your channel; like a book/anime/comic of the month club and have a livestream to discuss or something.
    Wishing you well and hoping this is the start of a new and happier chapter for you.

  8. J
    J says:

    You should do a cooking with peetz series. Cooking lives are enjoyable and not only do I think it would be successful and make you some YouTube money but you’d learn how to cook more things. Just find a better angle so we can see the cutting board/food.

  9. Meandering Thoughts
    Meandering Thoughts says:

    This was really nice and relaxing to watch. I think you could get a lot of people watching if you did cooking streams like this one with the chat helping you cook and giving you tips. Same with cleaning, the more complicated stuff that is also boring to do alone. I think we would all love to see YOUR glow-up, make some decent money on youtube, maybe get a roommate and find at least a part-time-job and then stay at the villa that is YOUR apartment. I know you can do it!

  10. Shyviolet
    Shyviolet says:

    Peetz chantel is not your friend! She has thrown you under the bus multiple times, she is only using you for your credit. Don’t give her your credit for a place to stay when she returns, and see how fast she stops talking to you.


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