Less than $1 Per Serving! Dirt Cheap Dinners | Poverty Dinners

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These dirt cheap dinners will help you save money on food. They are a great starting point for a delicious meal. Even if you are …

22 replies
  1. Ally K
    Ally K says:

    Hi, I found your channel and love your money saving ideas and recipes. I will definitely try those fish stick tacos. That orzo salad looks delicious, do you have the recipe?

  2. carolyne k
    carolyne k says:

    Nothing better than a tomato sandwich but ,you can also do it with cucumbers and in the mayonnaise add Dill such a refreshing sandwich in this warm weather and cucumbers are quite cheap too

  3. JuanCarlos Montes
    JuanCarlos Montes says:

    Are you really that broke or is this just your schtick? Sorry. It's a serious question. If you're like me, you've been poorer than dirt but you're not necessarily that poor right now at this moment in time.

  4. SugarBear31
    SugarBear31 says:

    I am so glad I discovered your channel. Your recipes are delicious and budget friendly without sacrificing flavor like I’ve saw on other budget recipe channels.

  5. Tammy R
    Tammy R says:

    All those look delicious! I love tomato sandwiches and chips! One of my favorites! Those fish tacos looked amazing! I definitely am going to try that! Kids are so cute and so are your great grandparents! Congratulations to them both!


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