Lentil Curry – the most amazing EASY Lentil Recipe in the world!!!

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This Lentil Curry is a streamlined take on Indian Dal, calling for just TWO spices and only water, no stock! It’s a lentil recipe that’s …

23 replies
  1. Mrs B
    Mrs B says:

    Nagi, you shared this recipe three years ago & I remember saying to myself I must try this. I've only attempted to cook dry lentils one time but it was taking too long (packet recipe). It's the second month of Spring but last night it was wet, windy & the temperature dropped to almost 15°. We got home after 9pm but I was determined to make something warm and filling. We ate just after 11pm and… it was delicious & perfect for the cold night. It was too spicy hot for me but ate with roasted sweet potato (side) which cooled my mouth. 👍 Thank you again!

    I used 2× cans of lentils, subbed the coconut milk for 50/50 Greek yoghurt/water.

  2. Ebru Aydin
    Ebru Aydin says:

    The worst idea is to put the tomatoes and coconut milk together into a pan as the tomatoes can not correctly cook even it stays 1 hour on the heat. I regret to adopt this recipe without thinking too much and now I have a lentil soup with uncooked tomato pieces and it makes the taste bad. So people who are considering trying this recipe beware and first try cooking tomatoes after frying onion and garlic to ensure that the tomatoes are properly cooked before adding any liquid into the pan.

  3. efedema izegbune
    efedema izegbune says:

    Super fantastic recipe. I substituted 1/2 Greek yogurt and 1/2 cup water for the coconut milk. Didn't add the tomato a family member can't eat. It was delicious and this is my second time using this recipe. So easy, love it and so does family. Thank you and definitely sharing this video.

  4. scottab140
    scottab140 says:

    Lentil Curry 

    50g (3 tbsp) butter 
    2 garlic cloves 
    1 tsp ginger 
    1 onion , finely chopped
    1 tsp curry powder 
    1/2 tsp tumeric powder
    1 cup dried lentils
    ▢400 ml / 14 oz coconut milk 
    400g/ 14 oz canned tomato , crushed or diced
    Garnish with cilantro

    Naan Flatbread

  5. Ms. Grey
    Ms. Grey says:

    I stumbled upon this recipe on the website years ago and I am so glad that I did. When I tell you this is the yummiest dish omg. Its so easy to make, the ingredients are inexpensive; this is my fav dish to make by far. My father is an old African man and he likes meat with his dishes, when he tried this he was shocked and loved it… thats hard to do. Try it!

    FYI: I like to put larger chunks of ginger in with the smaller ones sometimes and it makes for a delightful surprise.


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