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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #largefamilylove #homesteading …

25 replies
  1. KendraS90
    KendraS90 says:

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! We are just having an easy dinner tonight. Egg rolls and homemade veggie fried rice. Simple and quick. This momma needs a break lol! 😊 I hope sweet Wilder feels better. My 6 year old was a little under the weather last week too.

  2. Bee Kind
    Bee Kind says:

    Hey Miss Tiff…how do u feel about Christmas being right around the corner? 😳
    Are you doing any prep for it or is it still too far out for you to think about? 🤔

  3. DragonMike
    DragonMike says:

    When I saw the book at the end I was Transported back to when I was a Kid 😊😊😊 I still can't believe that book came out in 1963 and kids are still loving it. 😍

  4. Yvette & Gerry
    Yvette & Gerry says:

    Did Wilder have some chili in the freezer ? Oh maybe not if he has a fever 🥵 pop cycle ? I just threw spaghetti 🍝 away this morning hate to do it but everything I have read says not to use pasta after three days ? Hope Wilder feels better soon . Thank you 🌸🙏🌸

  5. Nicole Keller
    Nicole Keller says:

    Aww poor little Wilder😕. I hope he's feeling better now. It is definitely hard to get anything done when you've got a sick little one. I agree, I only use the pizza cutter on our quesadillas! I was wondering if you figured out what was wrong with the instant pot or if it's toast?

  6. Colleen Howard
    Colleen Howard says:

    Last Summer I was canning with jalapeños and caused a "pepper burn" on my hand. I was in so much pain. I tried several things and nothing worked. First I used Dawn dish soap and water which actually caused the oil of the peppers to spread onto my entire hand. I read several things including vinegar, coconut oil, olive oil…….I tried all to no avail. I continued my canning while stopping every minute to put my entire hand into a bowl of ice water. I was in tears! Eight hours later I was still hurting so much I thought I was going to have to go to the ER. It was BAD! The last suggestion was yellow mustard. I thought that was insane but I was so desperate. The instructions were to rub a thin layer on and let dry for 10 minutes then rinse off and repeat. After I did that the pain was 100% immediately gone!!!!!!

  7. Susan Howard
    Susan Howard says:

    Yes, that was alot of food left over and so thankful you didn't have to cook. Listen enjoy your time w your mom….the house work will always be there. Glad she got to come and spend time w y'all. ❤

  8. Jamie Clements
    Jamie Clements says:

    Hope Wilder is feeling better! Your videos are motivation. Since the kids are back in school our eating out has decreased. That’s been nice for multiple reasons. Tonight I’m frying cube steak and gravy, roasted potatoes, and field peas with cornbread. The igloo marshmallow idea is cute. Did y’all like the dip from Azure? Have a great weekend!


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