Lazy Keto BEEF TIPS & RADISH FAUXTATOES | Lazy Keto Recipes | InstantPot Recipes | Chassity Hudgins

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I’m always hesitant to replace potatoes because let’s be honest, nothing compares in my mind…. UNTIL NOW! I decided to go on a whim and pop some radishes …

11 replies
  1. Rhonda Garrett
    Rhonda Garrett says:

    Score!!!! ❤👏👏👏 You just got me VERY excited about radishes. I can't wait to try them. We love stews and homemade veggie soups year round and they all have potatoes in them. I haven't made any since January. I was dreading making them for hubs bcuz I don't know I could abstain from the taters. My weakness. Now, solution! Thank you soooo much!! Your happy dance was priceless and said volumes about those radishes. You just earned your own playlist so I don't have to search for your recipes. 😁

  2. Lisa Hart
    Lisa Hart says:

    This is what I call my RaddaTip lol…… If you want to make mashed Raddishes in place of mashed potatoes, use some cheesecloth to squeeze out the excess water (Raddishes hold onto a lot of water) from the already mashed Raddishes before adding the other ingredients.
    HINT: ingredients I put in my Raddimash, that's what I call it, lol.
    I use cream cheese, sour cream, chives, garlic paste, garlic powder, salt & peeper. 😋

  3. But firzt coffee
    But firzt coffee says:

    I have so got to make that , I need a pressure cooker I'm scared to use one I'll probably blow my crazy ass up with it I heard there powerful , but I'm gonna go ahead and order one wish me luck u weirdo in a pot lmfao ,your the best and my fav girly ☺

  4. tamie smith
    tamie smith says:

    would you please do a few dinner side dishes? the meat is easy for me but then what low carb side could I do that my family will like too. thank you so much for the radish surprise. I can't wait to test hubby!

  5. debrabo100
    debrabo100 says:

    I have 3 daughters around your age and four grands and you really impress me with all your Keto kitchen skills. Keep them coming. Oh. Fried radishes are great too every now and then.


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