Large family easy meal prep for the weekend | Gather your fragments

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36 replies
  1. M T
    M T says:

    This was my Mom's favorite verse … I miss her 💔
    Thank you for that reminder. I love watching your videos and pretending I can do even half. I'm good at shopping, but still find cooking difficult and time-consuming. I live for leftovers because one day cooking wears me out for a few days! 😁

  2. Katherine Kinnaird
    Katherine Kinnaird says:

    I even made spaghetti sauce from scratch from tomatoes and used your spicing Ingenuity in my kitchen and it came out good and I really didn't have all the exact items that were on the recipe but some similar and just like you showed us use them and it'll be delicious and it was. Thank you.

  3. Katherine Kinnaird
    Katherine Kinnaird says:

    This is the third week I am participating in gather my fragments. Even though I live alone I see a difference already. Thank you for inspiring us. God bless you all 💪🏽strength 🙏wisdom ❤love 2TIMOTHY 1:7

  4. Hannah Mattox
    Hannah Mattox says:

    Isaiah 40:31 is the prayer they said at my grandmother's funeral (before I was born), and they put it on her headstone ❤️ my dad lived so wholeheartedly for the Lord that I'm certain he's with her right now in heaven, and that his decision for that verse to be on hers had a really deep meaning to him in that way ❤️

  5. Ruby Delack
    Ruby Delack says:

    Love your makeup ❤️ either way you are beautiful inside and out ❤️ . I like the bouillon however I am allergic to msg . I checked that particular brand and it does have msg .

  6. Mary Reynolds
    Mary Reynolds says:

    Had to drop in again to tell ya I made the cookie bars tonight. Well, they didn’t last long at They are gone! Not even a crumb left lol Had a few neighbors over who loved them too. 🙂
    Goodnight 🌙

  7. Kulick Family Farm
    Kulick Family Farm says:

    Amy, I’m always amazed at the amount you are able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. You always have great energy and you’re full of positivity! I love it! I really liked your top today. Enjoy your weekend! ❤️

  8. Sheepie Mezz
    Sheepie Mezz says:

    Yum yummy food for the weekend! So unusual to see you with lipstick on! Will take some getting used to as it did with the earrings, your branching out a bit Amy! Getting more and more girlie as time goes on. 😀.. it’s also good to see you branching out with food, I remember when I first started watching you and you hadn’t tried a lot of different types of food, now your doing a lot of Asian and more expensive Mexican things with beans and adding more protein to your diet. I’m proud of you for how far you’ve come in just a short amount of time! Well done Amy! ..I hope you have a fabulous weekend and that the weather is good enough for pool time! Thank you as always for being a role model to so many stay at home mums across the world! I know those with children are grateful of your help and teachings! Big hugs! 🤗


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