Large Family Bulk Food Haul ~ Azure Standard Quarterly Order

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20 replies
  1. Kelli Mays
    Kelli Mays says:

    I am not sure if you dislike the soap container because it's hard to pour or not being able to repurpose the container. But I believe you can thoroughly wash it out and store water in it.

  2. Rina P
    Rina P says:

    Your tremendous knowledge about what items make what, how to preserve them, how to cook with them, and on , and on. It just amazes me.
    Also I deeply would like to thank you for sharing with us your well behaved children. Watching them as they grow and learn so many different skills that they will take with them as wholesome adults. What a true blessing.

  3. Conspiracy Mama
    Conspiracy Mama says:

    Jovial makes a cassava pasta (spaghetti, orzo, penne, fusilli) they are grain free and AIP approved, so I would be GAPS approved too. It’s just cassava and water. Azure carries it, it’s on my next order. 😊

  4. Maja Goedegebuur
    Maja Goedegebuur says:

    Hey Jessica, its very importend that you have many food in this difficult time ,you doing all the best ,we think about you many time stay safe greetings for the Children many gr from the Nederlands.

  5. Lorraine Barnett
    Lorraine Barnett says:

    Just wanted to share with you that I took the pantry challenge this year. I normally do very little grocery shopping because I have a very large garden. However, as I’ve watched and listened to you, I realized how silly I have been about using up my food stores. I honestly take such pleasure in looking at my food storage room….all my home canned and dried items just make me feel happy (if that makes sense) and so I now realize how stingy I’ve been in “using them up.” Also, I am frankly sometimes just lazy about going to the freezer and finding things to use. Well, as it turns out, I challenged myself to do a real clean sweep of the freezer during the challenge. It was fun and satisfying to see progress! Then, my husband and I found out we needed foundation work done INSIDE our basement. That’s where my freezer is…so…I got my freezer completely cleaned out. Everything was either eaten or I made jams, syrups, or juice’s with it. It was emptied in plenty of time for the move out of the basement for the jackhammering to begin! Yay! Thank you so much for all you teach this 73 year old homemaker! We all benefit from you greatly!

  6. Carrie M
    Carrie M says:

    Whenever my Mom would make split pea soup she always put macaroni noodles, potatoes and some carrots in it to bulk it up….I love my soup thicken…it makes a hearty meal.
    I bought pork loin from Walmart for $2.49 lb….I browned in in my instant pot then slow cooked for two hrs and then pressure cooked it for 30 min to make it very tender….
    If you ever buy a instant pot get. 12 qrt like I have…two chickens fit in it, or ten pounds of hamburger…..I use my 8 qrt everyday….hard boiled eggs are perfect and fast.
    I like those 2 cup silicone molds since there’s just two of us I always cook for many and then need to can or freeze leftovers.

    Have you ever made beeswax covers for your bowls….was it too time consuming?


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