Lamb Pilou Rice & Green Chutney Recipe using Lamb Offcuts…

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Ingredients: 500g Lamb Offcuts 2 Cups Basmati Rice (wash and soak) 2 tbsp ghee 1 tsp Cumin Seeds, 2 Cardimon, 1 Cinnamon …

50 replies
  1. Billy Aitken
    Billy Aitken says:

    🏆😎 Well done chef! If folk buy cheaper forequarter chops at the supermarket, they can ‘bone them out’ and make good quality stewing meat with them. (you pay more for meat that requires skilled processing time – see the cost of a ‘Frenched’ lamb rack😖😬….who’s got that much money!?!?)

  2. Liam Williams
    Liam Williams says:

    Wow! That looks superb, I’ll be trying this shortly, love cooking with bones etc for the richness they give.
    Mind; it’ll have to be special to beat your chicken and sag recipe the other week, that was superb! I made it for my parents and sister and they’ve said it’s my job to make it weekly 😅

  3. Tussk
    Tussk says:

    'Trust your judgement' That's the best advice I ever got when I was doing my training. Don't second guess yourself and add things you don't need, or take extra steps. Let the meal speak for itself, and let your faith in yourself give you the confidence to serve it.

  4. Eric Hodge
    Eric Hodge says:

    Thanks for doing this as you promised. Life looks too easy for you at the moment though.
    I really miss watching you cooking a
    yummy curry whilst cooking three or four curries of who knows what for customers at the same time.
    Please will you do a new curry in your proper kitchen where you exude style and finesse effortlessly!

  5. Andy Holmes
    Andy Holmes says:

    I have to stop watching these videos in the morning here in the US, makes me very hungry, but reminds me of being home in the UK eating at a friends house where him mum always made Pilou rice with leftovers! Great video again, looking forward to more! Question is – can you substitute other meat offcuts? Just thinking as I'm going to be trimming a lot of turkey over the next 2 days!


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