L. Reuteri Yogurt Made Easy 2019

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Super easy l. reuteri yogurt…and I speak this time. I hope it helps instead of confuses. If you have any questions please ask.

44 replies
  1. Eagle
    Eagle says:

    Hello I have the same instant pot . In this model we are not able to customize the yogurt Temperature, for example I want 104 degrees or 106 degrees etc ? Thanks

    OMGaNEWBIE says:

    FYI: Australian Dr. Borody, the pioneer of the Fecal Transplant told me that Probiotics CANNOT
    ADHERE to the intestinal wall bcos the existing bacteria occupies the territory completely.
    The only way to change them up, is to eat Prebiotic foods, which strengthen the friendly bacteria,
    then they go to war with the neighboring bad bacteria & expand their territory.
    He would know as he's a specialist in the Digestive Diseases field.
    Lucky I remembered what he told me, bcos that sure is a lot of work making home made yogurt,
    especially when the Probiotics will be pooped out by the next bowel movement, wouldn't you agree?

  3. Shaan
    Shaan says:

    I made L-Reuteri yogurt and it came out very creamy and good. Now after taking it for about 3 days I am having pain in my both arms and hands. It is stiffness and like something stretching

    I wish I could keep using it but most likely have to stop taking it. I also had similar pain but little bit less when I used Ashwagandha. I think it could be related to the upping of immune response.

    anyone experience this kind of side effect?

  4. thehotsinger
    thehotsinger says:

    I'm in a conundrum. I made this as recommended in my dehydrator at 105 degrees. My first batch came out extremely watery and the yogurt had a cheesy flavor. I couldn't stomach it so I froze the whey and used that as a starter for batch two. It doesn't smell or taste tangy like the yogurt I've made in the past, but like a mild cream. The 3rd batch tastes cheesy. I have made regular yogurt with half and half in my instant pot for years and never had a batch fail, but this one is finicky. My IP runs too hot based on my water tests hence the use of the dehydrator.

    I'm really trying to make this work because I need the benefits but I don't know how much longer I can try. It's getting to be expensive. =(

    I would welcome any advice.

  5. Tatiana Ogorodnikova
    Tatiana Ogorodnikova says:

    Thank you so much for sharing!🙏 I ordered l reuteri,waiting. But I still have many doubts on inulin… It is like my worst nightmare to consume inulin, for a SIBO person it is bad… How come it is used in this recipe? Maybe you could shed some light🙏

  6. alla bevzenko
    alla bevzenko says:

    Made the l reuteri for the first time the other day. I was prepared to fail but it came out amazing. Did it in an IP Duo, directly in the inner stainless steel pot. No added water, no extra containers. The yogurt is incredibly thick, creamy and not sour. Perfect as is.
    Will be making more!

  7. JTucci
    JTucci says:

    I used my old pressure cooker which DIDN'T allow for a precise temperature adjustment of 100 degrees but using the yogurt maker setting I found it to maintain a temp of 105 degrees so it was all systems go. When it finished it and pulled it out of the pot I took the temperature on the finish product and in the center of my 1.5 glass container the temp was 110 degrees so my question is do I have a genuine L Reuteri or did the higher temp kill the Reuteri bacteria as Dr. Davis cautions. Feel free to chime in while I go make my second batch..

  8. Harald The Younger
    Harald The Younger says:

    Anyone any suggestions? Tried fermenting from the Gastrus tablets, did not work at all, just a lump of sour emulsified milk floating on whey. I've tried every type Biogaia produce including the drops, same result. I don't believe the L. Reuteri they sell can be live bacteria, otherwise it would ferment successfully every time, or what could be going wrong?

    I do make Bulgarian yogurt, and that comes out perfect every batch!

  9. FourthDimension
    FourthDimension says:

    So many videos on how to make L Reuteri yoghurt but no one is making a video on what affect that yoghurt had on them! Can anyone tell me that was it even worth it? Was the effect any different from normal yoghurt? Was the L Reuteri yoghurt able to bring any positive changes in the people eating them?

  10. Muhammad Yungai
    Muhammad Yungai says:

    Thanks so much for sharing!! Can you please help me find the right yogurt maker. What Instant Pot model are you using? I want to be able to set the temperature and the time once and not have to interrupt it for 36 hours. Please help, these yogurt and slow cooker models are hard to identify what I need for this process specifically. Any help would be appreciated…

  11. Margaret Smith
    Margaret Smith says:

    Different bacteria have different tastes so if it tastes a, smells and looks the same. If it makes you feel the same.
    I plan on starting from 3 tablets again after a year unless the yogurt changes – then I would start from scratch. Or some people freeze some of the early batches to use for starter later.

  12. Lorr.Jones888
    Lorr.Jones888 says:

    Hi Robbie, your video showing the process of using the Instant Pot with individual jars is a great help!
    I am excited to try this. I did a test of my Instant Pot yogurt function (no temp control) and it maintains a temp of 104°f.
    Will the l. reuteri survive this? I read everywhere that it should be incubated at 100°f.

  13. T Chims
    T Chims says:

    Hi Robbie, just an update….since we last "spoke", I've made two batches of the L. Reuteri Yogurt using your suggestions. Batch #1 – as you stated, condensation/excess water in the uncovered jars was not a problem. The consistency of the yogurt was loose with lots of creamy clumps, which I expected for the first time & from tablets; still very tasty and I ate it all within a day. Batch #2 – used a 1/4 cup of Batch #1 whey, a couple tbsps of skyr, 5 crushed BiosGaia tablets, 2 qts. organic Half & Half, 4 tbsps. organic inulin, cured for 36 hours Instant Pot yogurt setting = AMAZING Yogurt!! Super thick, creamy, and delicious! I couldn't be more pleased. Thank you again for your help, it made all the difference for this "newbie" homemade yogurt maker. 😃👍

  14. T Chims
    T Chims says:

    Hi Robbie, curious, are you still making the yogurt? Also, when using the Instant Pot, do you have to replenish the water? I would think there would be some evaporation over the 36 hours, no?

  15. adashuman
    adashuman says:

    Hi Robbie. thank you so much for this video! I too end up with whey as some described bellow. What is the difference between using 8 tablets versus 1 capsule? I use a capsule of reuteri. What should be the ratio of bacteria: prebiotic for 1 qt of milk, if i use ANY bacteria to make yogurt not just reuteri? can please clarify this for me? I cant find it anywhere and I am not clear on the amount i need to use to make nice thick yogurt . thank you for helping us all to live healthier through home made yogurt!

  16. Tracy Morris
    Tracy Morris says:

    Hi Robbie. Thank you so much for this demo video!
    I made my first batch using a 1 qt org. half and half, 2 Tbs inulin, and 5 crushed Gastrus tablets plus 2 capsules Osfortis (which is supposed to have the same l. reuteri strain at much higher levels). I used a Luvele pure yogurt maker set (4 ceramic jars with vacuum lids in a bath – everything sterilized under boiling water) at 97 degrees which measured at 100 throughout the 36 hours. After the 36 hrs I put the jars in the fridge overnight. 3 jars were just runny liquid – no thickening – and one jar had thickened but tasted like thickened half and half, no tang at all.
    I’m wondering if I shouldn’t have closed the vacuum on the lids (I believe Luvele said to close them, but I see you don’t use lids) and I also wonder if the Osfortis affected the outcome. Would you have any thoughts on why this didn’t work? I’m hesitant to reuse any of the thicker non-tangy yogurt and instead just start again with 10 tablets of Gastrus. Thanks for any ideas!

  17. Charlotte Hanst
    Charlotte Hanst says:

    Hi, I followed the instructions of the wheat belly blog and used same ingredients you mention here, with a sous vide on 100F for 36 hours straight, to make my mother batch. It came out super grainy, with lots of greenish/yellow water on the bottom, it does not smell bad, but the taste is not at all like yogurt, does have a bit of resemblance to buttermilk. I have been looking around for answers: Can we eat this anyway? How do I go about trying it again, and if so, do I use this batch as my starter? Just the whey, or just the grains, or both? Any advice?


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