Kosher Thanksgiving Prep 2021 | Gluten Free • Dairy Free | Orthodox Jewish Mom (Jar of Fireflies)

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It’s Thanksgiving here in America again and i am prepping for our meal! I will be making our Turkey, traditional stuffing, cornbread dressing, sweet potato soufflé, …

45 replies
  1. Simone Nelson
    Simone Nelson says:

    Hello! Random question: you always have such nice shells and shirts. The ones I own tend to pull down when I put them on, and they don't feel tzniut enough to me. Where do you buy yours, if you don't mind me asking? Love your videos 😄

  2. R MS
    R MS says:

    I either do my sweet potatoes in the oven the day before, or I microwave them. Either way, I just scoop out the insides. What type of flour did you use? I have a family member with celiac disease also, so I'm curious, she is extremely sensitive. There is a brand of cow milk without lactose called Lactaid, they make many varieties of lactose free products and they are the bomb! It's called a stalk of celery, and just one "piece" is a rib.

  3. Mystic MaMa_369
    Mystic MaMa_369 says:

    Every year when I go to make the turkey, I remember my grandma telling me how she knows when the turkey is done. Mind you…when she got into old age, she was a spitfire….She would always say about the turkey,"Yep, she's good and ready…her legs done flopped open!" My grandma was always a bit of a dirty old bird, but I look back on those memories with fondness and humor. I miss her so much, especially this time of year, and I'm thankful that I have these memories that make me laugh.

  4. hanan arnold
    hanan arnold says:

    Is there a ruling on how much hair you are allowed to show? Sometimes a fair bit of yours is showing and I've seen the same on other youtubers. Is the important bit that you cover your head, even if the hair is still showing?

    Many thanks 💕

  5. Catherine Nunan
    Catherine Nunan says:

    Hello Chana! I hope that Campsgiving worked out well for you, decent weather, fun, great walks, enjoying Creation and all those family memories. We do not do Thanksgiving, being an Aussie, but I love hearing all about it. Now that the granddaughter is 3, she can really participate and enjoy our various traditions. What is chex mix (spelling might be wrong)?

  6. Lindsay A
    Lindsay A says:

    Chana, I need to know! Did you make the gravy???😂 hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving. Camping seems like an awesome idea, can’t wait to see how it went. I always work so our thanksgiving is always pretty low key. This we we had…. Pie. Chicken pot pie, pumpkin pie and apple pie. My son make the pumpkin and my daughter the apple. She even cut out a cute turkey for the top crust with little leaves around it. I was very impressed with her! I’m a plain crust with booting slits in it type of person, but she always goes all out with her decorations.

  7. Sue Marshall
    Sue Marshall says:

    Thank you Chana for sharing your daily life. You are in a unique position to share your lifestyle with the non-jewish community as you have lived in both. I now understand so much more about the orthodox lifestyle.

  8. Let's Sing
    Let's Sing says:

    I love your channel. I am a convert to Judaism. So your story kind of resonates for me. I'm not Orthodox, but appreciate the idea of motherhood and relationships within this construct. I just wanted you to know your channel touched my heart. From one mama to another,

  9. Lisa Newell
    Lisa Newell says:

    Looks like a wonderful feast to me! Loved the dehydrator tip about the dehydrator, I would have never thought to do that to make things instant. Hope you had a happy Campsgiving, can’t wait for that video.

  10. Ginny Aiken
    Ginny Aiken says:

    I’ve always made my Thanksgiving meal from scratch, too. These days, our youngest son runs 3 cell phone stores in a major market city and works all Black Friday ensuring everything runs smoothly. I made our meal, hubby packed it all up, and we drove an hour to have our feast at his apartment! Crazy, but he worked up until 6 pm on Thanksgiving preparing for the rush to come, and had planned to order Chinese takeout. Nothing wrong with Chinese, but it’s Thanksgiving 🤦🏻‍♀️ It actually turned into a wonderful, insane evening, one we will never forget. Also, I’ve always made my cranberry sauce, but I substitute the water with orange juice. It doesn’t interfere with the taste of the berries, just gives it a little flavor twist. Thanks for the videos and the glimpse into your lovely family.

  11. Angela Teague
    Angela Teague says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, and as of right this moment, Shabbat Shalom! I've been looking forward to this one. I love your cooking and food vids. I have a question about your "milk" substitutes; have you used oat "milk" at all? If so, how has it worked out for you?

    Thank you for sharing with us!

  12. Ms Peach
    Ms Peach says:

    I always thought kosher meant no dairy with meat at the same meal. The reason I’m confused is your suggestion of macaroni and cheese while also having turkey. Am I wrong?

  13. Megan Greene
    Megan Greene says:

    We have a dairy free Thanksgiving too. Macaroni and cheese is not something that I ever heard of for Thanksgiving.
    This year was the first time I didn't cook. My husband made the turkey and my daughter made the pies and the other fixings.
    Since it is Friday evening. Shabbat shalom.

  14. Helen Peck
    Helen Peck says:

    Hello from Mansfield UK, I hope you don't mind but I have no religion, but love watching you channel. Love your recipes as we follow a restricted diet because of health reasons, good to see new recipes. Can I ask the cranberry sauce, how long does it keep in the fridge and does it freeze? Best wishes H 🙂

  15. Pamela Crowell
    Pamela Crowell says:

    In our family, we only make dressing, we don't stuff the turkey, and we mix bread and cornbread together. So I would have added the cornbread dressing to the extra stuffing mix! Try it, you'll love it!

  16. Sandy Kalmeyer
    Sandy Kalmeyer says:

    Our family had a great Thanksgiving with lots of food. Your cornbread stuffing looks amazing. I need to try that. Hope you’re staying warm camping and your family is having fun!🦃. Can’t wait to see Monday’s video.


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