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SHOP #PBPOSSE (BUTTER sauce, HOT SPELL SAUCE, MERCH) !!!! https://pbposse.com Coldest Giveaway …

21 replies
  1. Jamie Haprer
    Jamie Haprer says:

    If a man on his shit and doing for me I'm a do for him regardless a man just sitting on his ass straight bum and can't do nothing for you those guys don't deserve a hot meal or the 🐱 but it's so many women that condone those type of men. "A man don't work shall not eat".

  2. Sabrina Bee
    Sabrina Bee says:

    This topic though! Facts. Ppl just need to be honest with themselves and be open to saying there’s stuff they still need to learn how to do. Not only for their man. But for themselves. Folks just afraid of rejection. I know. Bc we all on the same boat. Share the load. Tell the truth. If you can’t cook you just can’t cook 😂. If you still mad at your daddy tell your ni**a you got some things you healing. //Speaking from experience. Bc we on the same muhfuggin boat. //Things certainly have changed. But the truth gotta be in the recipe for any thing to last. We all heard ~ the truth shall set you freeeeeee
    💜Happy holidays bless you and your fam and everyone involved. 💋

  3. 2cee Walder
    2cee Walder says:

    I agree with your convo 💯,. I take care of my man cause he definitely takes care of me💕. i wanted to ask u what u feel about the Travis scott happenin. I feel they puttin it all on him & that's wrong. Tryin to break another one of us to me., but i do feel like he needs to hush do no more interviews , stay off socail media too. Cause it's to fresh now.

  4. Kesha Harris
    Kesha Harris says:

    I think sometimes it’s the immaturity of some and unrealistic ideas about what it takes to maintain a healthy relationship that may lead to marriage. It’s natural for most women to want to cater to her partner. This is definitely a new day and we have become so Independent that we feel we don’t need to make any effort towards securing a future because we typically don’t need anyone.

  5. Randene
    Randene says:

    Hey Fam💗 The ribs The ribs I am so happy right now😀 This looks wonderful and I knew it would. Yes Yes Yes. Okay, let me calm down😊😀 Thank you for making this dish. I will definitely make these after the video drops. Thank you for choosing the ribs❤️❤️ The fried rice is gorgeous too. Yes, MaJesty gone be chewing when he starts eating food food. Lucky little man. Luv U Fam❤️

  6. MellaBeautNyc
    MellaBeautNyc says:

    That’s crazy cuz I just had this conversation today, but my main topic with my girls was about females that go hard for a man that ain’t theirs, I would never understand that logic 😐 A woman that goes hard for a man that they are not in a relationship with is showing the man that they don’t have to put in any effort because they gonna feel like why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. I would never get taken advantage of in that way period.

  7. dimples deep72
    dimples deep72 says:

    I get exactly what you were saying girl …for me i was never one to date leisurely…anytime i date someone its to see if they were marriage material so yea things come along with that and its give and take but if they not giving what they supposed to give then theres no need to stay for years cause it will never be what i want it to be and i wasnt in it just for the dates or just to say i have a man……i took dating real serious it wasnt for play✌🏽n 💖


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