Korean Beef Bone Broth: Bone Broth Dieter’s NO FAT MILKY CLEAN Recipe 진하고 깔끔한 사골 끓이는 법 + 설렁탕 소고기 고명

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bonebroth #beefbonemarrow #collagen You can make delicious, milky, clean, and nutritious tasting [NO FAT] beef bone marrow …

17 replies
  1. CiganyWeaver and her periwinklebluespacecaravan
    CiganyWeaver and her periwinklebluespacecaravan says:

    Ahhhh Helen– I've been waiting for you to show me your version of bone broth!!! 🙏😃 I've been making it this winter after smooshing together the tips and methodology of a few other favourite Korean cooks but last time I made a batch, I though to myself forlornly 'if only I had Helen's tips to consult, she's the oracle who's never let me down…' THANK YOU SO MUCH for the great timing of this upload; I'm due to make another batch at the end of next week when my freezer finally disgorges the last of the tupperware containers full of frozen deliciousness. I'm going to tweak my method yet again and I know I'll be rewarded. 💝🤩

  2. Hair2fab
    Hair2fab says:

    Love ur recipe's! Fun fact, the red liquid in red meat isnt blood! Its myoglobin! No need to rinse, its just a protein that mixes with excess moisture in the muscle turning it red 😉

  3. Don Thomson
    Don Thomson says:

    I really enjoyed this video, but I see an instapot in the background. I know you need the three brews, but are there instapot shortcuts that you care to share? Not all of us have 12 hours.


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