Kitchen Freezer Inventory & Menu Plan

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Today I am tackling the kitchen freezer. Time to go through them, organize, inventory and make adjustments. I’m also menu …

28 replies
  1. Kelly name
    Kelly name says:

    I just cleaned out my freezer because I had to in order to fit a meat delivery for my pets. I did not think I was going to be able to get it in but I did. I was forced to ditch some frozen food, that probably was not so healthful, and it had freezer burn too. I hate to throw away food! I always say "Im sure I can use it in something". But..eventually it has to go. That freezer burned shrimp and beef, the dogs would love! Anything the animals at my house can eat, freezer burned or not, they get it.

  2. Blue Dahlia
    Blue Dahlia says:

    I inventoried/cleaned my freezer today, too. It was great and also frustrating. I had two packs of macadamia nuts from 2016. Many packages of freezer burned chicken, ham, flank steak, garlic breads, etc… Not again, I told myself. So much energy/money/resources sunk into buying them and then just not using them, makes me disappointed with myself. However, I will grant myself grace, because there is nothing I can do about it now, but do better in the future. I really appreciate the pantry challenges on youtube, for this very reason. Just keeping up with things and doing what I need to with them.

  3. Pamela Rogers
    Pamela Rogers says:

    I am gonna have to make several sheets. I have several freezers I have forgotten to go thru for 2 years. Will be spending the next few weeks doing 1 a week. Thank you for the planner idea

  4. The Little Big Ham Fam
    The Little Big Ham Fam says:

    I periodically do a full inventory but it's hard since my teens don't help or they skip telling me some of the things in there… we have a standing freezer, a chest freezer, and the fridge freezer. I've got to get mine used up by fall though if I intend to get meat from a local farm/ranch or to have game meat this year. Or a good dent if I plan to fish this year… it seems silly to live in Alaska and buy salmon 😆

  5. Stand Strong
    Stand Strong says:

    Does your Blueberry farm ship or only local? I really need to buckle down the internet hunt if there's a place that sells deer meat. I so miss the sausage and sticks. Just can't seem to be drawn for a tag here. It's my 1st year checking out canuary😁

  6. Cindy Kelly
    Cindy Kelly says:

    Thank you for showing that now I’m afraid to even show what’s in my freezer on my first refrigerator. My second refrigerator is even worse. Oh man here I go cleaning out my freezer.


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