KingCobraJFS Celebrates World GOTH Day

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only the coolest gothic bad boys make garlic mashed potatoes.

41 replies
  1. @ADHD_and_Crayons
    @ADHD_and_Crayons says:

    I made better food hacks when I smoked the devil's lettuce in my teen years…… I invented Doritos layered nachos before Taco Bell lol
    Even in my most muchified state…… I would NEVER, EVER, eat anything this sloth king recommended.

    The fact that he fails at everything is truly amazing…… He is truly becoming a low-budget Ozzy.
    Just think….. soon enough he will fully embody the "poor trailer trash" meme that us pigment-impaired have been branded with before.

  2. @omquark2895
    @omquark2895 says:

    Instant mashed potatoes only take a few minutes, however long to boil the water. I think it actually takes longer in the microwave, but they don't turn out the same as if they're made from scratch, which only takes a few extra minutes. But I don't understand him putting all that in with the mashed potatoes; it only needs water. I can see adding some bacon or other things on top, but not that much extra, that just turns it to mush.

  3. @rjunxi
    @rjunxi says:

    food hack : make inexpensive, instant mashed potatoes more expensive, taste like shit, and no longer instant 🤑🤑

    I do worry about him.

  4. @VaxTax
    @VaxTax says:

    Josh could definitely not cook potato’s is probably why he uses instant. Looking at him I bet he’s never even cooked a pasta properly but like just never cooked enough so they are still crunchy

  5. @SignumSomnia
    @SignumSomnia says:

    Josh you don’t need a reason to drink! You’ve never needed a reason to drink! Just tell the truth; daddy bought me a new place after I was naughty at the last place and got kicked out, so let’s get drunk for free!

  6. @mickeybored9325
    @mickeybored9325 says:

    Bro how tf does one fuck up instant mash this bad? I’ve made this shit at 1 AM drunk as a skunk and it came out how it was supposed to. The worst part is that he’s spending a decent amount of money on ingredients just to create slop. At least the boi eats it…

  7. @mikedee7163
    @mikedee7163 says:

    Dude You're a single dude Try being a single father of 3 I use instant mash but I'll make corn with meatloaf ( homemade ) to go with it Between work Getting them to school Sports Etc I don't have 20 min for a side dish So don't knock the instant mash my brother They're a life saver But for an inbred alcoholic like josh who doesn't work , yes He has all the time in the world

  8. @B1gDuck
    @B1gDuck says:

    it’s fun to laugh at cobes for being dumb but sometimes you just should like you hate the man . he is an actual regard to some extent , we can laugh and joke but sometimes it goes a lil far . we are just watching an asperger’s guy and judging him from our “normal” point of views

  9. @platinumdragonslayer6128
    @platinumdragonslayer6128 says:

    Figures the fake goth wouldn’t know it’s goth day. What a pathetic life he lives. From someone’s half basement to a crappy trailer. His dad is a real piece of work, doesn’t want to really help his son, just let him waste away. Must have quite some life insurance on him.

  10. @JBlade187
    @JBlade187 says:

    Only cobes can fuck up instant mash potatoes by not putting water in it. You boil water (2min in microwave) throw the flakes in stir. He can add the cheese and sour cream after.

  11. @jeffweber7043
    @jeffweber7043 says:

    Everytime he says “its not bad” it reminds of the scene from Bob’s Burgers where Jimmy Pesto makes a gross burger and goes “its good, its fine…its not fine its not fine at all!! Its going in the garbage!!”

  12. @jayrivera5446
    @jayrivera5446 says:

    This video was ExtremelyAnnoying just talks about how cobra cooks 🤦🏻‍♂️ begging for attention,content. Seriously what was the point of this video if you're not going to talk about some REAL stuff 😅🤣😂 the commentary is lame 😒 cobra does this all the time whats new.


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