Kind of a STRESSFUL Working Homeschool Mom Week (things get chatty up in here 😜)

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Well, I’m not gonna lie, the week I filmed this vlog was pretty stressful. Usually, when I have a high-stress level week I don’t film – too much going on. But on this …

45 replies
  1. Patty K
    Patty K says:

    What you are attempting to do (work, manage a large household and family, and educate your children by yourself) while admirable seems a bit misguided and nearly impossible. You can try to do it all, but can you do it all well? Aren't these jobs you have set for yourself too important not to do well? Should you even try to do them all by yourself?

  2. One Mama To Another
    One Mama To Another says:

    I like to get the large take-out tin type containers from the restaurant supply store then I use them for freezer cooking. Also, the super large baking pans- it makes life so much easier! That adventure camp looked really neat! Did your husband go with you guys? I feel like my older kids miss out sometimes becaue I don't feel like I can juggle the younger kids at those types of outings.

  3. The Baby Buncher
    The Baby Buncher says:

    A restaurant supply store? That sounds awesome. I hate having to use multiple little cans when I cook in bulk and wish I could source those huge cans used by restaurants and cut down on the rubbish. Looking forward to that video.

  4. C's Soapbox
    C's Soapbox says:

    I was having my evening break time and watching you tube on my phone. After a video by someone else, I felt like there was another style video I felt like watching but wasn't sure what it was. I thought of you right away and wondered why none of your vlogs have been showing up on my phone. I went to your channel and realized I hadn't subscribed to you on my phone yet! What was I thinking?! Thanks for satisfying my Mommy encouragement needs! Lol. 💜


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