Keto Spinach Noodles (Using NOODLEFICATION with Kitchen Alchemy)

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I’ve made a spinach version of the viral keto noodle recipe! Equipment: Blendtec: Squeeze Bottles: Ingredients …

17 replies
  1. Rush
    Rush says:

    As you experiment, keep in mind that the xanthan gum is just a thickener. It's not part of the Modernist Cuisine Magic.

    Thus, if you are using ingredients that will have the same effect, e.g., the spinach powder in this case, you don't need xanthan gum.

    Needless to say, the liquid needs to have a certain density or it won't flow correctly from the nozzle of the squeeze bottle. You may need to experiment a bit, but xanthan gum, and spinach powder, and egg powder, etc. will end up being too thick.

    I would suggest not just adding more liquid (unless absolutely necessary) as that will tend to dilute the "noodle" flavor. IIRC, you could just thicken water with xanthan gum and make the noodles. But they would taste like hell.

  2. Astro Cross
    Astro Cross says:

    I wish I could do it but I really can't because it's too much to have to try to do all this you have to be a creator and if it's not easy it forget it I'll just stay with the zoodles but it looks so good but I'm not a chemist….

  3. bonnie sherwood
    bonnie sherwood says:

    I am a brand new subscriber and I love your enthusiasm! I had the other noodle video pop up, probably because I follow Steve at Serious Keto. I haven’t tried this yet, but I need to make a serious Amazon order soon.

  4. deskjockie49
    deskjockie49 says:

    Unfortunately, spinach is very High in Oxalates, so I have to avoid it. However, I combined Ann's and Steve's recipes and came up with a recipe that both my hubby and I loved. I used the egg yolk powder but substitued one tablespoon of Nutritional Yeast flakes for the lupin flour in Ann's recipe, but used only one tablespoon of the sodium alginate as in Steve's recipe. Same amount of xanthan gum and salt. Followed the same procedure for squeezing the mixture into the calcium lactate bath and they came out really good! They can be frozen, and will hold up to heating as well. Pasta is back on the keto menu, woohoo!

  5. msjaebea
    msjaebea says:

    I made the chicken noodles last week and enjoyed them for several meals with just marinara and cheese. The second meal, the sauce and the noodles were mixed together and I heated them in the microwave. Came out perfect! I am just so psyched about these!! If we wanted more chicken flavor for ramen, for example, we could make the noodles with broth instead of water. And what about some beef noodles or pork noodles! My goodness, the possibilities are endless!!


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