Keto “Potato” Salad – So Good It Will Fool Your Family and Friends

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This is a keto-fied version of a potato salad my wife made for the 4th of July, but instead of using potatoes, it uses radishes.

35 replies
  1. Kathryn Radloff
    Kathryn Radloff says:

    I cooked the radishes ( 20 minutes) day 1, refrigerator overnight. Day 2 made salad with radishes and refrigerator overnight again. Served salad on day 3. The radishes had no distinct flavor but they were very " soft and watery" in texture. Any suggestions? Maybe mash part of them? Other than that it was spot on.

  2. Maeverly Lilith
    Maeverly Lilith says:

    A few options to consider (also how I make southern “faux” tato salad.) Add a bit of yellow mustard. Also, perhaps save the work & boil eggs with the radishes & cross hatch boiled eggs in an egg slicer. An added drizzle of dill salad cube juice is also epic.


    Okay… so I tried this use of radishes… I had tried it a few years back and I think I did not cook them enough… I like radishes so it did not turn me off .
    But here's the thing – it's all in the sauce … I had never seen anyone mash the yoke right into the sauce/ dressing… but I think THAT is what makes this take the leap to FAUXTATO salad that tastes like POTATO SALAD! Delish…

  4. Tony Drum
    Tony Drum says:

    Dude… good man. I only ate red bliss when I was on potatoes years ago, so this is surely something to try. Even without the radishes, that concoction looked gooooooooooooooood. Way to go, brotha.

  5. Jennifer Warren
    Jennifer Warren says:

    I made faux-tato salad yesterday using radishes and it was great! Thank you so much for this video! This was the first time my husband and I have had potato salad since going low carb 1 1/2 years ago. What a treat! I look forward to this fall and winter when I can use them in clam chowder and beef stew. Thanks again for the great tip!

  6. Alana Jean-Louis
    Alana Jean-Louis says:

    fun concidence: I watched the video in the morning, but did not have any radishes. later in the afternoon I saw a friend… who handed me a bag of radishes! 🤣 I guess it was meant to be! so I cut & boiled and put in fridge overnight then made your recipe next day for guests. I never said anything about, just put it on the counter with other food and everyone served themselves. at the end of the meal they commented how much they liked the potato salad! 😂

  7. michelle martinov
    michelle martinov says:

    When I lived in Florida, in the little town of Tarpon Springs, the folks who live there are primarily Greek. They make there homemade Greek salad with potato salad on the bottom. Now I can have it again!

  8. Bernice Bristow
    Bernice Bristow says:

    Sounds great. I love potato salad. My problem is trying to find keto mayonnaise in Australia. I know I can make it like you have but having a handy jar in the fridge would be great. What do you use?

  9. v bachman
    v bachman says:

    I've used radishes in pot roast with small amounts of chopped onion and carrot. It's a decent substitute for potato. I'm in the South so only have Duke's in my kitchen and I never use dill – only sweet pickles.

  10. TXhomemaker
    TXhomemaker says:

    I will try this with the radishes! I make pretty much the same recipe, but with steamed/drained cauliflour and I love that, but I know it's not potatoes. Curious, if I could be fooled with the radishes. Thank you for the recipe!

  11. mendy hand
    mendy hand says:

    Totally making this for my husbands 62nd birthday! He’d rather have potato salad than cake, and he just got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I’m exited to make this! I will probably add a little vinegar in it as well! Thank you from Atlanta, Ga. we HAVE TO HAVE some form of potato salad here in the South. You’re a genius….🤗👍🙏🏻🥁🥁🥁


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