KETO MONGOLIAN CHICKEN in the INSTANT POT! Low-carb Chinese take-out AT HOME!

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I see a lot of people new to the keto diet wondering on Facebook what they can order in a Chinese restaurant. The answer is dispointing: ALMOST NOTHING! Everything has wheat, rice, or sugar in it. Here’s one of my go-to recipes for when I’ve got a hankering for Chinese take-out. You’re just not going to believe how easy it is–and how fast in the Instant Pot. Don’t have one? Just do it in a wok or on the stove top. Once you add the ingredients for the sauce, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes or until the chicken is done and tender. I hope you’ll try this and think so, too! Please let me know what you think. AND PLEASE COMMENT, LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE!

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