Keto French Bread With My New Option #2 New Standard Keto Flour

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Printable Recipe Link My New Standard Keto Flour Video Links “Pecan …

31 replies
  1. Mommy Finding Fit
    Mommy Finding Fit says:

    I just made this, and it is absolute PERFECTION! It's the consistency and texture of traditional bread. This would be amazing as a sub roll or for dipping in olive oil and spices! It has a chew to it like you expect from french bread. My mind is going crazy with the possibilities of garlic bread, French bread pizza, "bagle" bites… I could see this making good bagels, too. Y'all…. MAKE THIS!

  2. Dwight Gordon
    Dwight Gordon says:

    I need some help here. I pulled a random non-keto bread recipe off of a website, and plugged in the almond version of your flour. Loved the taste, but got absolutely zero rise from it. After watching this video, I suspect that my sugar to yeast ratio was too low. I got the ratio from one of your previous videos where you used 1 tsp sugar to 2 1/4 tsp yeast. I didn't take into account other things that might have been in it, though. Is there a universal ratio that I should be using to feed my yeast?

  3. Kim Riggles
    Kim Riggles says:

    After reading some of your posts regarding the various versions of your perfected flour recipes, is it safe for me to use the same amount of previous versions of your perfected flour in any of your recipes? Thanks again for all of your hard work, and for sharing this with us 🥰


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