Keto Diet: What YOU Should Know | TMI Show

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On this episode of the TMI Show, Torri (Parade’s Resident Health Question Guru), covers everything you need to know about Keto diets. Torri beaks down what …

9 replies
  1. Aamir Khan
    Aamir Khan says:

    Hey, I'm a vegetarian and I was advised a keto meal plan but protein was lacking in that and to maintain electrolyte advised to take pottasiam chloride syrup, multivitamin capsule and adequate amount of rock salt(chemical free). Do this lead any health issues?(due to lack of protien)
    I have one more query, do keto really decrease our BMR?

  2. DreamLegendary
    DreamLegendary says:

    Pretty good and way more fair than most main stream keto write ups.

    But to add my input: I've been keto for 3 years and in the best health of my life.

    I've learned you don't need any fiber AT ALL. And carbohydrates are NOT ESSENTIAL at all (that's why there's no ESSENTIAL CARBOHYDRATE, only essential fats and proteins)

    By the way, carbs are VERY very addicting and the grain/corn/soy industry is very powerful and don't want you to be Keto AT ALL.

    PS the amount of friends and family I've helped do Keto and have gone off their diabetes, blood pressure etc meds is a blessing (and no I never told them to do it, they did it when their doctor was blown away how healthy they got)

    Don't believe me? That's cool, but if you wanna check it out for yourself (and you live in Hawaii) come see our free Facebook group at


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